Throughout history some were called to start initiatives while others were called to start movements. At the "Transforming" Allenbrook Elementary School we are called to start a revolution. Not a revolution as some would suppose. Rather we have been called, prepared, equipped and sent to empower our school community in a way that will indeed start a revolting of sorts against the status quo, an uprising from seats of disenfranchisement and marginalization that will cause the dismantling of systems and platforms that have plagued like communities and caused dreams to be deferred for far too long.
Allenbrook Elementary School, nestled in the western corridor of Charlotte just a short drive from the uptown area is an elementary school serving students in grade Pre-K through 5. Our corridors are bursting with courageous and resilient boys and girls and commissioned and committed men and women who together are committing to engage in work each and every day that causes a "breaking of the links" that have been shown to keep voices silenced and legacies bound. While we certainly have a bullseye focus on ensuring that our students are well-versed and exceed proficiency in the intricacies of reading, writing, speaking, mathematics and the social and natural sciences, we have our gaze fixed on ensuring that we equip our school community with the information, opportunities and advocacy that we all need to identify, cultivate and lift our leadership voices as we move forward in individual and collective agency in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness that for many has been deferred, but under our watch... no longer denied.
We are proud of the diversity and the rich heritage of our school community and we know that this will indeed serve us well as we purpose to move each of our most worthy students along their individualized life's path. At Allenbrook, we believe in the gift of "the moment," and we realize the honor that we have to serve each and every student, parent, neighbor, friend and community partner that crosses our paths. We are poised and ready for the powerful work and journey that lies ahead of us as we know that we are not simply educators, students, parents and partners. In fact we are warriors, champions and heroes just primed and ready to launch. At Allenbrook is our mission to not only shift the narrative but to cause a revolution that brings about change... not just change for the good, not just change for the better... but change for the best because better is no longer good enough.
As we open up the 2020-2021 School Year at Allenbrook Elementary School know that "we are inspired to inspire because the inspired have inspired us." We invite you to join us in this revolution certainly by lending your time, your talents and your resources but most importantly by lending your heart, your voice and your life in service, so that at Allenbrook outstanding educational opportunities, discovery of one's own power and a commitment to tell the truth and provide unwavering excellence is our protest.
If you would like to learn more about the revolution that is taking place at Allenbrook Elementary School please call us at 980-343-6004. You will be glad that you did!
Mrs. Kimberly Vaught, Principal