COVID 19 Testing Opt-In Say Something
Elementary School
13659 Beatties Ford Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
Courier #: 328
P: 980-343-0372  |  F: 980-343-1711 
Principal: Melissa Roy
LC: North
Bell Schedule: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: PreK-5
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Faculty & Staff

   Barnette Elementary Staff Group 2018-19.jpg

Courtesy of Classic Photography & Imaging

Administrative Staff
Roy, Melissa
Principal, Elementary
Otolski, Scott
Assistant Principal, Elementar
Maciag, Lindsay
Beers, Denise
Teacher, AIG
Bice, Rusty
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Blanchard, Sarah
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Boardman, Melissa
Teacher, K-6
Bramwell, Luke
Teacher, Physical Education
Brown, Caroline
Teacher, K-6
Burkle, Savanna
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Celis, Olga
Teacher, Pre-K
Cunningham, Madena
Teacher, K-6
Dill, Susan
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Eibl, Marybeth
Teacher, K-6
Falvo, Taylor
Teacher, K-6
Faunce, Rachel
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Fiorentino, Krista
Teacher, K-6
Gardner, Mary
Teacher, Elementary General Mu
Gommel, Beth
Teacher, Elementary General Mu
Green, Mallori
Teacher, K-6
Harbin, Nicole
Teacher, K-6
4th-5th Grade Team
Harris, Shea
Teacher, Expanded Impact 3
Haynes, Hannah
Teacher, K-6
Hicks, Brittani
Teacher, Expanded Impact 1
Hjortsberg, Brandy
Teacher, K-6
Hopkins-Breukelaar, Jennifer
Teacher, Elementary Art
Houston, Victoria
Teacher, Pre-K
Huffman, Sabrina
Teacher, K-6
Ignasiak, Mary
Teacher, K-6
John, Rachel
Teacher, K-6
Long, Laura
Teacher, K-6
Maciag, Daniel
Teacher, K-6
4th-5th Grade Team
MacLaughlin, Tracey
Teacher, Exceptional Children
McElhinny, Wendy
Teacher, Expanded Impact 2
Miller, Kristy
Teacher, K-6
Moore, Megan
Teacher, K-6
Morgan, Michelle
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Norris, Bonnie
Teacher, K-6
Reale, Jessica
Teacher, K-6
Restivo, Alison
Teacher, K-6
Roberts, Bronwyn
Teacher, K-6
Shiller, Shelby
Teacher, K-6
Smith, Lauren
Teacher, K-6
Stephany, Ronald
Teacher, Elementary Physical E
Stikeleather, Charly
Teacher, K-6
Streeter, Tammy
Teacher, Pre-K
Streible, Christine
Teacher, English Learner
Sussman, Cindy
Teacher, Kindergarten Only
Swift, Dinah
Teacher, K-6
Terry, Barbara
Teacher, K-6
Towner, Emily
Teacher, Expanded Impact 2
Turturro, Kylie
Teacher, K-6
Walters, Stephanie
Teacher, K-6
Wilson, Jacqueline
Teacher, K-6
Womack, Mandy
Teacher, K-6
Project Based Learning Lab
Wronsky, Susan
Teacher, K-6
Young, Leah Anne
Teacher, K-6
Science Lab
Support Staff
Alexander, Natalie
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Anderson, Kimberly
Assistant, Lunch Room
Artis, Mary
Associate, ASEP
Barber, Sylvia. B. Hampton
Assistant, Pre-K Exceptional C
Bernard, Yvette
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Billings, Capricia M
Coordinator, Site ASEP
Blair, Phyllis Marie Blair
Assistant, Lunch Room
Boudreau, Kasey
Counselor, Elementary
Bowden, Latisha
Treasurer I
Copley, Shannon
Facilitator, Elementary Litera
Culm, Heather
Assistant, Teacher K-3
D'Amato, Lisa
Assistant, Pre-K
Damone, Tracy
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Davis, Ricky
Associate, ASEP
DeRemer, Jennifer
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Fahmy, Josef
Associate, ASEP
Hargrove, Amanda
Assistant, Pre-K
Hartzler, Bridget
Speech/Language Pathologist
Henry, Stacy
Assistant, Pre-K Exceptional C
Hurd, Katherine
Media Coordinator
Johnson, John
Assistant, Pre-K
Kahrmann, Chelsey
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Krueger, Kimberly
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
LeClair, Andrea
Counselor, Elementary
McCarrick, Courtney
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Nuccio, Jessica
Assistant, Pre-K Exceptional C
Porter, Gabrielle
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Reinhart, Stephanie
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
Robledo, Maria
Speech/Language Pathologist
Rushton, Shelisha
Assistant, Pre-K Exceptional C
Timm, Jasmine
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Tyagi, Susan
Associate, Technology, 11 mont
Tymko, Allison
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Vidarte, Susan
Data Manager I
Cafeteria Staff
Henderson, Veronica
Cafeteria Worker
Stevenson, Theresa
Manager, Cafeteria I
Vanegas, Josefina
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Custodial Staff
Corry, Milton
Custodian, Head I
Ellis, Dirk
Pena, Andres

And let us not forget our wonderful School Psychologist, whom unfortunately, we share with several other schools so she is only on our campus on Thursdays and 1/2 days onFridays.  At other times she can be reached:

Shelley Rainey-  School Psychologist

P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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