COVID 19 Testing Opt-In Say Something

501 South Bruns Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28208
Courier #: 489
P: 980-343-5495  |  F: 980-343-5598 
LC: West
Bell Schedule: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: PreK-5
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Faculty & Staff
Administrative Staff
Currie, Dr. Currie
Principal, Middle School
Alston-Hasan, Brenda
Assistant Principal, Elementar
Bailey, Fred
Teacher, K-6
Barrow, Nicole
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Bates, Candice
Teacher, K-6
Byrd, Arve
Teacher, Master
Cameron, William
Teacher, Elementary General Mu
Crawford-Gerrald, Gerrald
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Cypress, Keydra
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Fludd, Tiffany
Teacher, K-6
Fullins, Michelle
Teacher, Pre-K
Fulwood, Zarrin
Teacher, K-6
Goodwin, Greylyn
Teacher, K-6
Hall, Halston
Teacher, Elementary Physical E
Handog, Cynthia
Teacher, Master
Haughton, Kenyanta
Teacher, K-6
Hawkins, Ebony
Teacher, K-6
Hinton, Asia
Teacher, K-6
Holiday, Alecia
Teacher, English Learner
Kilgo, Camryn
Teacher, Elementary Art
Lemick, Anna
Teacher, K-6
Lloyd, John
Teacher, K-6
Moua, Doua Chi
Teacher, Pre-K
Norman, Quentin
Teacher, K-6
Pharr, Marilyn
Teacher, Expanded Impact 2
Rambert, Krystle
Teacher, Expanded Impact 1
Rose, Jeremy
Teacher, K-6
Sandford, Casey
Teacher, K-6
Sprinkle, Laurie I
Teacher, Kindergarten Only
Stitz, Carly
Teacher, K-6
White, Chelsea
Teacher, K-6
Support Staff
Austrie, Glenroy
Technician, Behavior Modificat
Bell, Precious
Social Worker, School
Bidgood, Tammy
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Collington, Olivia
Speech/Language Pathologist
Hemmingway, Robin
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
Johnson, Karen
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Keitt, Kathleen
Assistant, Pre-K
King, Mya
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Lamar, Queen
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Love, Adrienne
Treasurer I
Pavon, Adriana
Tutor, Title I
Pittman, Emily
Media Coordinator
Reyes, Elsy
Intern, Master School Administ
Richardson, Adrena
Data Manager I
Riggins, Tonya Oliver Johnson
Counselor, Elementary
Springs, Sophia
Assistant, Pre-K
Taylor, Shawn
Assistant, Lunch Room
Williams, Sabrina
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Cafeteria Staff
Jefferies, Sherondi
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Massey, Mary
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
McGowan, Teresa
Manager, Cafeteria II
Perozo, Yelissa
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Washington, America
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Williams-Martin, Claudia
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Custodial Staff
Harris, Richard
Johnson, Janice
Custodian, Head II
Moore, Robert
P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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