​Please Follow the Directions on This Page Pertaining to Your Student's Absence
To report your child's absence and the reason for his/her absence please send a written note to the school or CLICK HERE.
The link will forward you to the Attendance Secretary's e-mail. Please include the following information in the email:
- Student Name
- Parent Name
- Teacher Name
- Date of Birth
- Current Phone Number
Reporting Absences & Early Dismissal:
Regular attendance and punctuality are important from the beginning of the school year until the last day. Frequent absences and tardies interfere with your child's progress toward learning the necessary basic skills. Please allow up to 48 hours for your child's attendance to be updated in the system. .
Excused Absences:
The following reasons are considered excuses for absences:
- Personal illness (please state type of illness)
- Medical appointments ( must provide a doctor's note)
- Death in family
- Court or Administrative proceedings
- Approved Educational Leave (form must be submitted 10 days in advance) Approval is not guaranteed.
- CMS Approved Religious holidays (form must be submitted 2 weeks in advance)

Absence for Religious Obligation Form.pdf
NOTE: Parents can no longer call in an absence for a student, they must send a note or email to the school in order for the absence to be excused. Until a note is received by the attendance office, all absences above are unexcused. Please attempt to make all elective medical and dental appointments for times before or after school.
Unexcused Absences
- Inclement weather
- Car trouble
- Missing the bus
- Oversleeping
- Out of town/vacation
- No written excuse or email