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The Bulldog Blitz is our parent newsletter. It is issued on the last Friday of every month and is emailed to parents using the email address on file with the school.
If you currently do not receive the publication, please contact Butler with your email address and student's name, and we will add you to the list.
Blitz 9-2022.pdf
Blitz 6-2022.pdf
Blitz 5-2022.pdf
Blitz 4-2022.pdf
Blitz 3-2022.pdf
Blitz 2-2022.pdf
Blitz 1-2022.pdf
Blitz 12-2021.pdf
Blitz 11-2021.pdf
Blitz 3-26-21.pdf
Blitz 3-12-21.pdf
Blitz 2-26-21.pdf
Blitz 2-12-21.pdf
Blitz 1-29-21.pdf
Blitz 1-15-21.pdf
Blitz 12-17-20.pdf
Blitz 12-4-20.pdf
Blitz 11-13-20.pdf
Blitz 10-30-20.pdf
Blitz 10-16-20.pdf
Blitz 10-2-20.pdf
Blitz 9-18-20.pdf
Blitz 9-4-20.pdf
Blitz 8-21-20.pdf
Blitz 8-7-20.pdf