Dear Julius L. Chambers High School Parents and Community,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. We are excited for the upcoming year, and we are looking forward to continuing the critical work of equipping your student with the skills and education that will prepare them for career and life success once they graduate from high school. My name is Erik Turner, and I am the proud Principal of Julius L. Chambers High School. I have the privilege of working with an amazing group of dedicated and committed educators who provide a balance of teaching, coaching and encouragement each day to our students at Chambers. Our goal at Julius L. Chambers High School is to become the neighborhood school of choice in the University City community of Charlotte. Our pathway to accomplishing this goal is below…
- Recognized for rigorous teaching & learning in every course in every classroom.
- Provide a robust menu of career pathway options.
- Expose our students to a variety of corporate apprenticeship & internship experiences
- Provide equitable access to advanced classes (AP, Cambridge, AVID)
- Offer a diverse menu of extracurricular opportunities (clubs, band, theater, etc…)
- Create a championship athletic program that models sportsmanship and integrity.
- Foster an environment that creates school pride and community ownership of school outcomes.
Your partnership and engagement with our faculty and staff will be crucial to accomplishing this goal. A positive relationship between the school and the family is the core to a successful academic experience. Furthermore, intentional, and responsive communication from the school will ensure that our families are given the information they need to support our academic expectations at home. To that end, families, please be aware of two important policies that will be enforced at Julius L. Chambers High School this year.
- First, per CMS Board Policy JHBB-R Attendance Monitoring / Accounting, "High School students accumulating more than 10 absences, excused or unexcused per class will receive a grade of "F" for the course, according to the CMS Board Policy. It is the responsibility of the teacher to monitor and enforce the recovery policy."
- Secondly, per the CMS High School Grading Policy, "If no attempt to complete minimum expectations of the task was made, the grade shall remain lower than a 50% which will be a 0=F.
For the past two years these two policies were not enforced to accommodate the impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic. However, the waiver is no longer in effect and our students will be held to attendance and grading expectations as outlined in the CMS Board Policies.
For more information about these policies and more, please join us for our upcoming open house events. Our 9th grade open house will be held Wednesday, August 24th from 4:00-6:00pm. Our 10th-12th grade open house will be held Thursday, August 25th from 4:00-6:00pm. Students that have completed the enrollment process prior to August 16th will have access to their schedules in PowerSchool by the time of open house.
Thank you again for trusting our team with your student and we look forward to partnering with you and your family for a positive and productive 2022-2023 school year.
Together in service,
Principal Turner