Our clubs are student created and change every year depending on our students' interests. Once clubs are created we will post a description on this page and on the club bulletin board in the main hallway.
If you are looking to start a new club, fill out the How to start a club handout.docx and return it to Mrs. Price in the media center. (kelly1.price@cms.k12.nc.us)
If you have interest in joining a club, reach out to the teacher or staff member sponsoring the club to get any information you might need.
Club: 7th Grade Debate
Purpose: to debate controversial issues
Teacher Sponsor: Mrs. Leonard
Meeting Date/Time: Thursdays at 8:00AM
Location: Room D10
Club: Chess Club
Purpose: to come together and enjoy playing chess. This is not a competitive chess club, this club is just for enjoyment.
Teacher Sponsor: Mrs. Price
Meeting Date/Time: Mondays at 8:00AM
Location: Media Center
Club: 7th Grade Speech Club
Purpose: to have fun while discussing current events and working on speech skills.
Teacher: Ms. Davis
Meeting Day/Times: Fridays at 8:00am
Location: Room C7
Club: Battle of the Books
Purpose: to encourage reading and expose students to a variety of books. Students compete in teams of 12 against other teams in a quiz-bowl style competition answering questions about books on a designated list.
Teacher: Mrs. Price
Meeting Day/Times: Fridays at 8:00am
Location: Media Center
Club: The Global Affairs Awareness Project (GAAP)
Purpose: to spread awareness about global issues using multimedia (posters, websites, articles,etc.)
Teacher: Mrs. Guthrie
Meeting Day/Times: Mondays at 8:15AM
Location: Media Center
Club: 6th Grade Baseball Club
Anyone who wants to play a game of baseball after school, bring your glove and gear
We will meet from 4:30 - 5:30 on these dates: Oct 4, Oct 25, Nov 15, Nov 29, Dec 13, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 31
Have your grown up sign the waiver to play. Waivers are in D-13 or D-1
We will store gear in D-5. See Mr. Kurtz in the mornings there
Teacher Sponsors are Mr. Kurtz and Mrs. Leach for any questions
Club: Crochet Club
Purpose: Teaching people how to crochet
Teacher: Mrs. Cooper-Boggs
Meeting Day/Times: Fridays at 8:00AM
Location: romm D15
Club: Cricket Club
Purpose: Introduce basics of cricketand as the year goes on, step up to advanced skills of batting and bowling.
Teacher: Mr. Schulman
Meeting Day/Times: Mondays at 8:00AM
Location: Room D16 and CHMS field
Club: Lego Star Wars Club
Purpose: to discuss Star Wars and create while doing so
Teacher: Mr. Burgess
Meeting Day/times: Mondays after school until 5:00PM
Location: Room D8
Club: Environmental Protection
Purpose: To pick up trash around the campus to keep it looking nice
Teacher: Mrs. Leach
Meeting Day/Times: The third Friday of every month afterschool
Location: Room C10
Club: Dungeons and Dragons
Purpose: to play DnD
Teacher: Mr. Jarrett
Meeting Day/Times: Wednesday after school until 5:10
Location: Room A7
Club: GSA/Gay Straight Alliance
Purpose: For people in the LGBTQT Community to be able to feel like themselves
Teacher: Ms. McAfee
Meeting Day/Times: Tuesday at 8:00AM
Location: C15
Club: 8th Grade Debate Club
Purpose: To debate and discuss real-world topics and current affairs.
Teacher: Ms. Davis
Meeting Day/Times: Every other Friday at 8:00AM (starts September 30)
Location: C7
Club: Future Problem Solving (FPS)
Purpose: FPS is an international club where students are taught to think creatively about the future. Students will research a topic and gather background information, become mini-experts in the topic, and then predict possibilities for advancements in the future. Up to five topics are researched over the academic year, including upcoming issues in science and technology, business and economics, and social and political conflicts. This year's topics include e-waste, digital realities, robotic workforce, and throw away societies. If you're interested in being a young problem-solver and engineering the world to resolve issues that are imminent, please sign up for more information here:
https://forms.gle/pZutH6zQ7FeuzXKU6 Meeting Day/Times: Fridays after schoolClub: Bracelet Making Club
Purpose: to teach other students how to make different bracelt patterns
Teacher: Mrs. Cooper-Boggs
Meeting Day/Times: Tuesdays at 8:00AM
Location: Room D15