New Student Registration
Registration hours for new or transfer students is 8:00 AM –
12:00 PM Monday – Friday
Early Dismissal
Early dismissal for students ends at 2:30 PM
Need to Meet with our counselor Ms. Gentilecore?Please click on the below link and fill out the form
Cambridge School of Excellence
Did you know that Coulwood is a Cambridge School of Excellence? Do you know what that means? Click on Cambridge School of Excellence for more information.

CHECK OUT THE "Here Comes the Bus" App

Here Comes the Bus is a school bus tracking app that can simplify morning and afternoon routines for parents and students by giving them real-time bus location and text or email notification alerts to help get them to the bus stop on time. Here Comes the Bus utilizes our GPS data and an easy to use customizable map that works on a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Signing up is EASY! On your desktop computer, you can sign up at https://herecomesthebus.com/getting-started/. You will need the district code (73877) and your student's ID number (contact your child's school if you don't have it) to sign up. For your smartphone or tablet, download the Here Comes the Bus app from the App Store or Google Play.