COVID 19 Testing Opt-In Say Something

500 Kentberry Drive
Charlotte, NC 28214
Courier #: 351
P: 980-343-6090  |  F: 980-343-6142 
LC: Northwest
Bell Schedule: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: 6-8
Email School
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School Expectations


A student may possess a cell phone on school property, at after school activities and at school-related functions, provided that during school hours and on a school bus, the cell phone remains off and put away.  Cell phones should not be seen or heard.  Cell phones must be in the OFF mode.  The OFF mode means completely turned off, not on mute, vibrate, or text message mode.  If cell phones are used to violate other sections of the Student Code of Conduct, consequences will be enforced as outlined in the CMS Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.


Students are expected to establish a tradition of proper dress for school and school-related events.  The following guidelines outline the appropriate dress for your child:

  •          Students are required to wear shoes and shirts at all times
  •          Students will wear pants and shorts that fit appropriately on their waists
  •          Students will not wear see-through shirts and will not be allowed to wear shirts exposing cleavage, shoulders, backs or stomachs
  •          Skirt/dress/short length must be no more than 4 inches above the knee (leggings worn under garments do not make them acceptable)
  •          Abusive, suggestive or profane language, symbols of illegal drugs, or any other words, symbols or slogans that disrupt the learning environment may not be worn on clothing or as jewelry.
  •          All clothing must be worn in an appropriate and tasteful manner as originally intended by the designer.  For example, belts, if worn, must be worn around the waist, and shirts must be buttoned so chest is not exposed.

The following are Not Permitted At Anytime:

  •          Bedroom slippers, shower shoes or pajamas
  •          Do-rags, bandanas, drug/alcohol, or gang-related items
  •          Sleeveless shirts, dresses
  •          Pants or shorts too large to fit at the natural waist
  •          Items of clothing that reveal underwear or that are excessively revealing in any way
  •          Un-tucked oversize shirts
  •          Too short or too tight pants, skirts, shorts or tops

According to CMS policy, extreme styles in clothing and grooming may be detrimental to the maintenance of discipline and morale in school.  The principal and his/her staff are responsible for determining and enforcing regulations governing proper dress and grooming of students.  Any type of dress or grooming which is disruptive will not be permitted.  If not properly dressed, students are subject to being sent home. 


A student is counted absent if he/she leaves before 11:00am or arrives after 11:00am.  If a student must leave school before 3:00pm for a valid reason, please send a detailed note giving the student’s full name, parent name and contact phone number, and reason and time for early dismissal.  Students should give this note to the teacher of the class they will be leaving at the beginning of the class.  The teacher will sign it and it becomes their hall pass to the office for sign out.  We realize that emergencies occur and understand that there will be occasions when you cannot notify us in advance; however, we appreciate your compliance with our procedures at all other times.

Early dismissal is not allowed after 2:30 pm unless you have an emergency situation.


We strive to keep you up-to-date on your child's academic progress and school events.  Teachers will send home progress reports every four 1/2 weeks. If you do not receive a progress report, do not hesitate to call the school or email the teacher.  Parents may also monitor their child’s grades by using NCWise Parent Assistant.  If you need a username or password email Annita Diaz and give your child’s name and date of birth.  The information will be emailed back to you.  We will also use the CMS phone system to provide important information about upcoming events at Coulwood.  Please make sure that your child's teachers and our front office have your correct phone number and email address.  If you are not receiving these phone messages, please contact the front office at 980-343-6090 to correct your phone number. 


A student agenda will be provided to each student free of charge.  Students are expected to have AND use their agenda each day.  It is used for parent/teacher communication and to help students improve organizational skills.  Every student is expected to purchase an agenda.  Students will use their agenda for their hall pass when leaving the classroom.  Please review the handbook in the agenda because it contains helpful information about our school.


Students are placed in language arts and math classes based on previous year's EOG scores.  Elective classes were assigned if a course selection sheet was submitted to the school on time.  Schedule changes for elective classes are limited to the first 10 days of each semester. The following guidelines are followed:

  • Obtain a schedule change request form from the guidance office.
  •  A schedule change request form must be submitted and signed by a parent.
  •  Submit the schedule change request form to the guidance office by the date deadline.

The request will be processed and a decision will be written on the form and returned to the student.  The student is expected to follow their original class schedule until a decision is made on the schedule change request form.  Please remember that schedule changes are approved by the principal for academic placement reasons.


Parents of students who have to take medications at school are reminded that the school must have a current doctor's note on file for us to administer your child medicine during school hours.  If your child must take medicine at school, your doctor must complete an Authorization of Medication Form.  The form is available in your CMS Forms and Notices booklet and in front office.  If this form is not on file with our front office, we cannot administer any medications to your child.  Your child should never bring medications on school grounds without proper permission.  If you have any questions, please call the school nurse at 980-343-6090.


P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools website ( is in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Any website accessibility concerns may be brought via the following, Email the Web Accessibility Team at WebAccessibility or Call: 980.343.0115. In compliance with Federal Law, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities, may be referred to the District's Title IX Coordinator at titleixcoordinator or to the Office for Civil Rights, United States Department of Education.