Functions of the School Improvement Team (SIT):
- Facilitates the involvement of the school community in the development of School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Encourages, supports and creates opportunities for involvement for parents in the community
- Contributes to the design of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Monitors the effectiveness of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Duties of the School Improvement Team (SLT):
Although the School Improvement Team is not directly involved in the day to day operations of the school, it is involved in a number of tasks that affect the operation of the school.
The School Improvement Team:
- Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan
- Monitors, assesses and amends the School Improvement Plan
- Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety and parent involvement goals
- Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community
- Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and concerns
- Builds the capacity of the school to improve in following areas:
- Increasing the Graduation Rate
- Effective Teaching and Leadership
- Teaching and Learning through Technology
- Environmental Stewardship
- Performance Management
- Parent and Community
School Improvement Team Meeting Schedule
Meeting ID: 963 4731 7911
Passcode: 928353
PTA Meetings are at 4:30.
Date | Time
August 8th
| 4:00 pm
September 8th
| 4:00 pm
October 3rd
| 4:00 pm
November 7th
| 4:00 pm
December 5th
| 4:00 pm
January 2nd
| 4:00 pm
February 6th
| 4:00 pm
March 6th
| 4:00 pm
April 3rd
| 4:00 pm
May 1st
| 4:00 pm
June 5th
| 4:00 pm
Access to all meeting agendas