2020-2021 David Cox Open House
David Cox Road Elementary will be holding it's "Live" virtual open house on Thursday, August 13 @ 6PM via Zoom Links that have been shared on ParentSquare, the school communication tool. Because the meetings will be live, we will not be sharing the live links with the general public on our website. Live links are provided to parents/guardians only.
The grade level teachers have also provided a pre-recorded Open House for any family who is unable to attend the live session for any reason, or to share with other family members who may have missed our live sessions. We hope the information is helpful. The links will be removed on September 1, 2020. If you have questions that are not answered in our recordings, please feel free to call the school at 980-343-6540.
Pre-recorded K-5 Open House Links Below
(Please click on the links below)
Pre-K Virtual Open House.mp4
Kindergarten Virtual Open House.mp4
1st Grade Virtual Open House.mp4
2nd Grade Virtual Open House.mp4
3rd Grade
4th Grade 2020-2021 Virtual Open House (1).mp4
5th Grade's Prerecorded Open House.mp4