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2801 Lucena Street
Charlotte, NC 28206
Courier #: 374
P: 980-343-5515  |  F: 980-343-5581 
LC: West
Bell Schedule: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: PreK-8
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Faculty & Staff
Administrative Staff
Marshall, Beth
Principal, Elementary
Muhammad, Kaz
Assistant Principal, Middle Sc
Stafford-Baldwin, Latonya
Dean of Students
Allison, Tonya
Teacher, Expanded Impact 2
Arias, Smantha
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Benjamin, Erica
Teacher, Middle Grades Science
Brooks, Anne
Teacher, Elementary General Mu
Brown, Amory
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Brown, Kevin A
Restart Teacher, Secondary
Cofield, Frederick
Teacher, CTE Technology Educat
Felder, Amari
Teacher, K-6 Title I
Foggie, Diamond
Teacher, Middle Grades Math
Grissom, Camesha
Teacher, K-6
Harris, DeJahn
Teacher, Expanded Impact 2
Harris, Ursula
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Holmes, Jonise
Teacher, EC General Curriculum
Jeffries, Heather
Teacher, Expanded Impact 3
Jennings, Younkeong
Teacher, English Learner
Johnson, Carmen
Teacher, K-6 RESTART
Johnson, Lindsay
Teacher, K-6 Title I
Jones, Miranda
Teacher, K-6
Khanani Caporaletti, Asma
Teacher, English Learner
Moore, Shaniekia
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Patterson, Allison
Teacher, 7-12 Art
Reeder-Harrison, Marcia
Teacher, Pre-K Title I
Rice, Kristina
Teacher, K-6
Roundtree, Katina
Teacher, Expanded Impact 3
Ruff-Kesler, Valeria
Teacher, K-6
Segar, Danielle
Teacher, Kindergarten Only
Turner, Joni
Teacher, Elementary Art
Welfle, Alyssa
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
White, Rhonda
Teacher, K-6 Title I
Withers, Jessica L.
Teacher, K-6
Support Staff
Alford, Ivanella
Assistant, Lunch Room
Anderson, Harriet
Associate, ASEP
Barber, Sherry
Counselor, Middle School
Cornick, Stacey
Treasurer II
Davis, Jayna
Associate, Technology, 11 mont
Donnis, Stephanie
Tutor, Title I
Gomez Serna, Guillermo
Interpreters-Translators, Titl
Hamilton, Sharon
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
Holder, Toni
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Ingram, RoShawn
Coordinator, Site ASEP
James, Lashanna
Social Worker, School
Little, Sumorcon
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Price, Terroncia
Interventionist, Multi-Tiered
Robertson, Tyjuanna
Counselor, Middle School
Robinson, Anita
Media Coordinator
Savage, Latasha
Assistant, Title I
Scarboro, Robert
Associate, Security
Simond, Ronald
Assistant, In-School Suspensio
Smith, Takiya
Assistant, Title I
Watt, Asia
Assistant, Title I Pre-K
Weston, Andre
Technician, Behavior Modificat
Williams, Yvonne
Psychologist, School
Woods, Annette
Data Manager II
Cafeteria Staff
Ardrey, Sandra
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Cummings, Havana
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Hamilton, Sabina
Manager, Cafeteria II
Johnson, Rosa
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Smith, Vanessa
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Webb, Teresa
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Custodial Staff
Aguilar, Dhina
Brown, Lachelle
Custodian, Head II
Givens, Willie
Person, Lashaunda
P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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