Click here for information about the East Mecklenburg High School Foundation and All-Star Teacher Initiative (ASTI)
Wall of Fame Dinner Gets Rave

On Tuesday, April 25, 2017,
alumni, friends, teachers, staff and families came together to honor the best
of the best at East Meck High School. Four alumni were inducted to the Wall of
Fame: Ed Chesnutt '58, Libby Whitescarver Privette '59, Joan Nesbit Mabe '80
and "NoLimit" Larry Mims '95. Our newest inductees were introduced by
Richard Vinroot '59, Rachel Harkey Helms '59, Larry McAfee and David Davis
The Foundation's newest endeavor was then announced: the All Star Eagle
Educator Hall of Honor. At that time, 3 educators were recognized for their
dedication and commitment to the East Meck High School Community. Mr. D.K.
Pittman was remembered for being our first Principal and leading East for 23
years. Mr. Gene Morgan received a standing ovation for his 40 years as Teacher,
Assistant Principal and Volunteer at East Meck. The crowd was then brought to
its feet again as Mr. Larry McAfee, Teacher and Coach, was acknowledged for
dedicating his career to East Meck students.
The program closed out with remarks from Jerry Helms '59 who encouraged some
friendly fundraising competition between the decades, explaining that the
Foundation set up 6 separate funds, one for each decade of East Meck graduates.
He then led the entire Auditorium in a beautiful rendition of our Alma Mater.
After the program, all attendees headed to the cafeteria where a delicious meal
was waiting for them. Dinner was prepared and served by the award winning
Culinary Arts Department. While enjoying their meal, alumni and friends
filled out pledge cards and made donations to the Foundation to help the
continued support of East Meck Teachers.

As part of our Wall of Fame
Dinner, we challenged our Alumni to donate along with their fellow decade of
graduates. Each decade was talking a big game! Here are the
rankings so far:
1st Place: the '80s
2nd Place: the 2000s
3rd Place: the '50s
4th Place: the '90s
5th Place: the '70s
6th Place: the '60s
The Decade Challenge will continue throughout the month of May. Get your
donation in before June 1 by clicking the Decade Button below. If you
prefer to write a check, please make it out to the:
East Mecklenburg
High School Foundation
6800 Monroe Road
Charotte, NC 28212.
Which decade will end up with the bragging rights of the Ultimate Eagles???
SAVE THE DATE East Mecklenburg High School Wall of Fame Induction Ceremony April 25th, 6-8 p.m. in the Silver Auditorium at East Meck The Foundation is happy to announce that we will be inducting 4 alumni to the esteemed Wall of Fame. The 2017 Inductees are: Ed Chesnutt '58 Libby Whitescarver Privette '59 Joan Nesbit Mabe '80 Larry Mims '95 We welcome the entire Eagle community out to celebrate our newest inductees. More information on the event will be forthcoming!!! |

All proceeds support the East Meck Foundation.
Please contact Robin if you have any questions: (980) 343-6430 or