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6800 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28212
Courier #: 377
P: 980-343-6430  |  F: 980-343-6437 
Principal: Steve Drye
LC: Central
Bell Schedule: 7:15 AM - 2:15 PM
Grades: 9-12
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Principal's Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Rick Parker.JPGWeekly Update: Friday Update 9-23-22

Good evening, this is Rick Parker, Principal of East Mecklenburg High School, calling with our Friday Weekly Update. Our Back-to-School night went well on Thursday. Remember, if you were unable to make it, we created a website with teacher videos and more. Here is the link for your convenience. Monday, September 26th is a Teacher Workday. There is no school.

I want to give a big shout out to Leah Dereja who is a National Merit Finalist. I am so proud of her!

Next week, we have our National Hispanic Heritage Week. See attached schedule.

Please check out our September East 495 Connector. It is loaded with important information to help keep you in the loop. 





Tonight, we have our big East Community Event during the home football game against Garinger HS. We will recognize all our incoming freshman and other students new to East Meck as well as welcome all our future eagles from our feeder schools (Greenway Park Elementary, Idlewild Elementary, Lansdowne Elementary, Rama Road Elementary, Albemarle Middle, McClintock Middle, Piedmont IB Middle, and Randolph Middle). Giveaways, Free Shirts, and more. I hope to see you there!

North Carolina law requires that all students’ immunizations be up to date by the 30th day after the start of school. September 28th is the 30th day, and any students missing immunizations will not be allowed to attend after that day. We have 237 students not in compliance or in process, they have all been notified by letterPlease make sure you send in any updated immunization records. Address any questions to the school nurse, Crystal James.


The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Accountability Services has released a NEW Family Guide to Assessment publication to provide information about assessments. Please share this guide with staff, parents, and other stakeholders. Topics covered include why assessments are important, provides an overview of the different assessments that students take, and reviews questions families can ask teachers about assessments. Finally, the guide looks at how North Carolina ensures assessments are fair and accessible for all students. The Family Guide to Assessment can be accessed here, and a Spanish version can be found here.

Cyber Security Updates: CMS takes student safety and security very seriously. Soon, CMS will begin partnering with Gaggle, to analyze CMS Google and Canvas accounts. Gaggle's technology scans students’ accounts for harmful content and alerts school officials if students show signs of self-harm, depression, thoughts of suicide, substance abuse, cyberbullying, credible threats of violence against others, or other harmful situations. 


This email is a reminder that CMS Google and Canvas accounts are provided to students by CMS as tools to help them throughout their K-12 learning experiences. They do not own these accounts and should not have any assumptions of privacy or confidentiality when using them. There is no action that they will need to take, and most students will never be affected by this new service.


October 12th is PSAT day!  This test will be given to all sophomores and juniors at no charge.  The junior class will have the opportunity to compete for National Merit Scholarships.  The test is paper-pencil format.  Students need to bring number 2 pencils, a calculator, and a snack.  No calculators can be provided by the school.  For student to receive their scores, they must create a College Board Account by October 11th!!  This is the only way students can view their results.  East Mecklenburg will not be provided with paper score reports from College Board.  Information about the PSAT and resources for families can be found on the testing tab of the East Meck website.  To create a College Board Account, students should visit


National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society applications are now open!! Please have your student pick up applications in the Career Center if interested. They will be due on October 14th!


Career Center Updates

  • Is your student going to be 16 by April 15th? The City of Charlotte has an awesome summer internship program called the Mayor's Youth Employment Program, where students are matched up with career fields they are interested in pursuing, while getting paid! For more information visit the Career Center website or see Ms. McGraw. Applications close on October 3rd. 
  • The Dual Enrollment program at CPCC allows students to earn college credit in high school for free. Applications for Spring enrollment are due on October 31st. Reach out to Ms. McGraw or her site with any questions. 


Veda Dayananda, a junior at East Meck is starting a neuroscience club at UNC Charlotte to motivate high schoolers in grades 9-12 to explore the field of neuroscience through hands-on activities, lab tours, journal club meetings, and more. Our first meeting is on October 15th at UNCC, and monthly thereafter (see attached flyer).


I leave you with this quote: “Nothing is impossible. The word itself I’M POSSIBLE!”


Have a great three day weekend!


File attachments:
National Hispanic Heritage Week Calendar.PNG

P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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