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2021-2022 Grading Plan Parent Resource PREAMBLE The mission of
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is to create an innovative, inclusive,
student-centered environment that supports the development of independent
learners. Adjusting the CMS K-12 Grading Plan allows for students to receive
specific feedback for continuous growth, academically and socially-emotionally,
ensuring all students are set up to be independent and successful learners.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools believe grades should provide students and
families with actionable information, reflect a student’s achievement on
grade-level standards, and support a student's motivation to learn. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
believes that to ensure success in each student’s K-12 experience, we must
provide ample academic opportunities for students to prepare, rehearse, and
then perform. EFFECTIVE
GRADING PRACTICES To the greatest extent
possible, grades should reflect achievement of intended learning outcomes and
mastery of content standards.
Grades will not be used in a
punitive manner for behavior or extra credit awarded for non-academic tasks,
attendance, or other social expectations.
Students need frequent
low-risk opportunities to practice their new learning to allow for
misconceptions to surface and be addressed to improve their learning.
Students should have
opportunities for re-teaching and additional learning opportunities to improve
their level of content mastery that are not limited to before or after school
To improve learning, students
need regular feedback from teachers that is timely, specific, and focused on
mastery of content standards.
ASSIGNMENTS - Assignments should be standards-aligned and
worthy of student completion.
- Assignments should allow for
students to demonstrate learning through a variety of modalities (i.e. written,
conferences, discussions, multimedia, digital, etc.).
- Additional
practice/re-teaching will be provided to students who do not achieve initial
mastery on “Perform” assessments before students are re-assessed.
- All assignments will be graded using a 100 point
- Students with a 504
plan,Individualized Education Program (IEP) or who are identified as English
Learners (ELs) should receive appropriate accommodations and amplifications on
assignments and assessments to allow them to engage in on-grade level content.
ASSIGNMENT CATEGORIES BY SCHOOL LEVEL Level | | | | Elementary | | | K-2 will continue to follow
the Standards-based Report Card practices. | Type of | | | | | | | | | PREPARE - 0% | | | REHEARSE - 30% | PERFORM - 70% | Assignment | | | | | | | | | Definition | | | | | | | | | Assignments that allow | | Assignments that provide | Culminating/formative | | students to practice new | | feedback of students’ progress | assessments that measure | | learning with no risk for | | leading up to | mastery of one or more | | mistakes (i.e. | | demonstrating/assessing | standards | | GLOs/Learning | | mastery of a standard(s) | (i.e. Formal/unit assessments, | | profiles/Executive
Functions, | | (i.e. Components for EL | cycle
assessments, common | | homework, | | Performance Tasks, exit | assessments,
projects with | | pre-assessments,
checklists | | tickets, entrance tickets,
tasks | rubrics) | | for
learner behaviors) | | with rubrics and
performance | *Note:
EL performance task | | | | tasks, checklists, quizzes) | are not
given a formal grade | Quarterly | A minimum
of 9--1 per week | | | Min 3-4 | 3 min/4 max | Expectations | | | | Max 7 | | Late | | | | | | | | | | | Late work will be accepted | | Assignments | | | throughout the quarter. | | (not due to an | | | Students will have a 3 school | | absence) | | | day grace period for any late | | | | | work (not resulting from an | | | | | absence). Late penalties after | | | | | the grace period should not | | | | | exceed 10 points per week | (5 | | | | | | | school days)
using a 100 point | | | | | | | scale. | | | | Guidelines for | Additional learning opportunities based on
student needs and | | | Re-Assessment | re-assessment opportunities on “Perform”
assessment/task will be provided: | (PERFORM
only) | ● Students will participate in new learning
opportunities meeting the student needs (i.e. small | | group instruction,
Dreambox, video instruction, extra assignments) and be reassessed | | using a parallel assessment to show mastery
within a 3-week period. | | ● Students can earn up to a 100% on the
re-assessment when completing additional earning | | opportunities. | | | | | | | | | ●
Students have the opportunity to retake a performance task. | | | | | | | | | |
ASSIGNMENT CATEGORIES BY SCHOOL LEVEL Level | | | Middle | | | MS courses for HS credit will follow HS
guidelines. | Type of | | | | | | PREPARE - 20% | | REHEARSE - 30% | PERFORM - 50% | Assignment | | | | | | Definition | | | | | | Smaller assignments that allow | | Assignments that provide | Culminating/formative | | students to practice new | | students with feedback on | assessments that measure | | learning. Can be graded for | | progress towards mastery of | mastery of one or multiple | | completion or accuracy. | | standards | standards | | (i.e.
Homework, warm-ups, exit | | (i.e. Quizzes, labs, | (i.e.
Unit assessments, | | tickets,
smaller checks for | | mini-assessments, | common
assessments, | | understanding) | | mini-projects, classwork) | performance
tasks, writing | | | | | | assignments,
projects with | | | | | | rubrics) | | | | | | *Note:
EL performance task | | | | | | are not
given a formal grade | Quarterly | 9 min/20 max (Double | | 6 min/10
max (Double | 3 min/4 max (4x4/sem. and | Expectation | blocked/every
day) | | blocked/every day) | year-long) | s | 5 min/20
max (A day/B day) | | 4 min/10 max (A day/B day) | | | | | | | | Late | Late assignments will be | | Late assignments will be | | Assignment | accepted for a grade until one | | accepted until one week (5 | | s | week (5 school days) after the | | school days) after the “Perform” | | (not due to an | “Perform” date. | | date. | | absence) | Late penalties of no more than | | Late penalties of no more than | | | | | | 10 points per week (unless | | 10 points per week (5 school | | | absent) will be deducted for late | | days) will be deducted for late | | | work (using a 100 point scale). | | work using a 100 point scale. | | | Guidelines | | | | | | Additional learning opportunities based on
student needs and | | for | | Re-Assessm | re-assessment opportunities on “Perform”
assessment/task will be provided: | ent | ●
Students will participate in new learning opportunities meeting the
student needs (i.e. small | (PERFORM | group instruction, Edgenuity, video
instruction, extra assignments) and be reassessed using a | only) | parallel assessment to show
mastery within a 3-week period. | | | ● Students can earn up to a 100% on the
re-assessment after completing additional earning | | opportunities. | | | | | | ● HS
credit courses will follow HS guidance | | | | | | | |
CATEGORIES BY SCHOOL LEVEL Level | | High School | | Type of | | | | PREPARE - 20% | REHEARSE - 30% | PERFORM - 50% | Assignment | | | | Definition | | | | Smaller assignments that | Assignments that provide | Culminating/formative | | allow students to practice | students with feedback on | assessment that measure | | new learning. Can be graded | progress towards mastery of | mastery of one or multiple | | for completion or accuracy. | standards | standards (i.e.
Unit | | (i.e.
Homework, warm-ups, | (i.e.
Quizzes, labs, | assessments,
common | | exit
tickets, smaller checks | mini-assessments, | assessments,
performance | | for
understanding) | mini-projects,
classwork) | tasks,
writing assignments, | | | | projects
with rubrics) | Quarterly | 9 min/20
max (4x4/sem.) | 6 min/10
max (4x4/sem.) | 3 min/4 max (4x4/sem. and | Expectations | 5 min/20
max (year-long) | 4 min/10
max (year-long) | year-long) | Late | | | | Late assignments will be | Late assignments will be | | Assignments | accepted for a grade until | accepted until one week (5 | | (not due to an | one week (5 school days) | school days) after the | | absence) | after the “Perform” date. | “Perform” date. | | | Late penalties of no more | Late penalties of no more | | | than 5 points per day (unless | than 5 points per school day | | | absent) will be deducted for | will be deducted using a 100 | | | late work (using a 100 point | point scale. | | | scale). | | | Guidelines for | | | Additional learning opportunities based on
student needs and | | Re-Assessment | re-assessment opportunities when a student did
not achieve mastery on “Perform” | (PERFORM | assessment/task will be provided: | | only) | ●
Students will participate in new learning opportunities meeting the
student needs (i.e. | | Edgenuity, extra practice,
small group instruction within the class, recorded | | videos/practice, Canvas course, tutoring) and
be reassessed using a parallel assessment | | to show mastery within a 3-week period. | | | ● Students will have one re-assessment
opportunity for each Perform assessment (except | | midterms or final teacher-made or State exams). | | | ●
Students may earn up to 80 points of their re-test grade after
completing additional | | learning opportunities. | | | | | | |