Child’s Name:_______________________ Next Year’s Grade:________________
Current Teacher:_________________ Parent/Guardian:__________________
Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School
Classroom Placement Form
If you wish to provide information for our team to use in placing your child in a classroom next year, please complete this form. Please fill out a separate form for each child coming to Elizabeth Traditional. We also request that you do not make requests for a particular teacher, but instead focus on what type of environment your child will learn best. These forms are optional and only general information will be shared with the assigned teacher. Please return this form to school by June 13, 2014.
Describe how your child learns best (in groups, by him/herself, doing projects, writing reports, etc.):
What “tips” could you give us on how to motivate your child:
What is your child’s favorite subject(s), least favorite, areas of strength and concerns:
Does your child need to be separated from a same-grade relative/friend? If so please give the child’s name and the reason:
If you have any additional information or not enough room to respond appropriately, please feel free to staple items to this document when you return itJ