PTA Board Member
Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School PTA Board 2020-2021
President: Ann Witmer
Usually by this time of year you would be tired of seeing emails from the PTA, but obviously things are different this year. I wanted to send an email with some updates, some info and a request and I again apologize for how long it has taken me to get this to you.
For those who I have not yet met, I am Ann Witmer the current PTA president (I guess by default considering how last year ended and this year began!)
I have four boys, two have moved on to middle school and two remain in 4th and in 2nd grade.
The PTA this year has had several virtual meetings and we've been brainstorming as to how we can operate within the current constraints.
Normally by now we would have had a larger back to school lunch for you all, a thankful Thursday or two, possibly a fall fundraiser and be planning the fall dance and school book fair, obviously we haven't done all that, but we will be able to salvage some of that!
We have decided to pause on the fundraising this fall, we feel it is inappropriate and slightly tone deaf to ask people to donate money right now not knowing anyone's financial situation.
Between what we have left from last year and the change to Title I the school should have enough funds for the fall. The PTA decided to wait till the spring to look at some kind of small fundraiser or direct give campaign depending on where we are all at. That being said we do have some ways to continue to raise some money
1. We will be sending info to you to distribute to your students and families to join the NCPTA. This will be done completely online
2. We are having a virtual book fair still (yay!- more info below)
3. We will be sending info on how to collect box tops virtually
4. Link your Harris Teeter VIC card: 2038 This has to be redone every single year- some people don't realize that.
5. Shop on Amazon smile and select PTA North Carolina Congress Elizabeth Traditional PTA as your charity and a percentage of the sale comes to us.
6. Purchase spirit wear online at:
7. Students and families can also still paint the rock out front of school with the following link:
Those are just a few examples of how we can still be working towards a goal of raising some funds for the school.
We are also working on moving all of our info to the memberhub website to be more streamlined and will eventually eliminate our other PTA website andwe have our instagram where we try to post updates- @elizabethtraditionalpta
We do want you to know that we are still here for you and to support you! We do still have scholastic funds available for you to order items through if things are needed. If you signed up previously all of your log in information should be the same, if you need new info or have any issues please email me and let me know.
Ok- Now to the current business:
We held off on doing any kind of teacher treat/thankful thursday last week thinking most teachers and staff are not in the school all the time, but we will provide a treat the week you all come back 10/19. We aren't sure the exact day, but stay tuned for updates. We will be careful to observe all health and safety regulations and keep the handling of any items to the bare minimum for your safety.
Secondly and my main purpose of this email is that we are going to have a virtual Scholastic Book Fair starting next week and running for two weeks (10/19-10/30)
If you don't mind, would you please post or distribute or however you relay info to your parents this week about the fair beginning next week?
Attached is a flyer and below is some info and the link to pass along:
The ETES Bookfair is back!! COVID might be keeping us at home for now, but it's not going to cancel all our fun. The PTA has worked with Scholastic to continue our Bookfair tradition with an online book fair. You can order directly from the site and items will be mailed to you, just log in and shop from the comfort of your own home!
The Book fair starts October 19th and runs through October 30th!!!!
Shop and earn money for the ETES PTA and for credits we can use to purchase items for the school!
Follow the link below to start shopping!!!!
Thank you all for your time and attention, and on a personal note I wanted to thank you all for all your hard work. I get to see MANY levels of virtual learning with four kids and we ALL know how hard it is and what a steep learning curve it has been. We think you all are doing a great job and are so appreciative of the sacrifices you are making to help these kids as normal as they can. These are definitely unprecedented times for all of us and you all are rising to the occasion! Keep up the hard work and stay safe! We need you here to help us stay sane!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Please contact us at
Click the Link below for the ETES Website.
Link coming soon.