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Elizabeth Lane
Elementary School
121 Elizabeth Lane
Matthews, NC 28105
Courier #: 382
P: 980-343-5700  |  F: 980-343-5704 
Principal: Crystal Lail
LC: South
Bell Schedule: 7:45 AM - 2:45 PM
Grades: K-5
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Faculty & Staff


Administrative Staff
Lail, Crystal
Principal, Elementary
Guevara, Nikki
Assistant Principal, Elementar
Baker, Kelly
Teacher, K-6
Second Grade
Blanchard, Alexa
Teacher, K-6
Second Grade
Brabson, Tara
Teacher, English Learner
Special Areas-English Learner
Brewster, Emily
Teacher, K-6
Fifth Grade
Coggins, Katina
Teacher, K-6
Council Wright, Sara
Teacher, K-6
Daniels, Amanda
Teacher, Multi Classroom Leade
Dixon, Deborah
Teacher, K-6
Second Grade
Edwards, Antonina
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Evans, Courtney
Teacher, Expanded Impact 3
Fifth Grade
Fewell, Meagan
Teacher, K-6
Field, Amanda
Teacher, Elementary Physical E
Special Areas-Physical Education, Safety Patrol
Flowers, Karen
Teacher, K-6
Fifth Grade
Gordon, Robin
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Harper, Quintessa
Teacher, Elementary General Mu
Special Areas-Music, Chorus
Hill, Kerry
Teacher, K-6
First Grade
Hodges, Jeannette
Teacher, K-6
Fourth Grade
Hudson, Emily
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Hurst, Leia
Teacher, K-6
Second Grade
Jeanne, Kathy
Teacher, K-6
First Grade
Johnson, Becky
Teacher, K-6
First Grade
Jones, Jennifer
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Littlefield, Jennifer
Teacher, K-6
First Grade
Meehan, Cassandre
Teacher, K-6
Mooney, Melissa
Teacher, AIG
Special Areas-Talent Development/AIG
O'Regan, Jill
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Payne, Robin
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Special Areas-EC Resource
Platner, Alexandra
Teacher, K-6
Fifth Grade
Pueschel, Charles
Teacher, K-6
Fifth Grade
Purcell, Catherine
Teacher, K-6
Resnick, Melanie
Teacher, K-6
Rogers, Sandra
Teacher, K-6
Santore, Jonathan
Teacher, K-6
Fourth Grade
Schoenen, Stephanie
Long-Term Guest Teacher Substi
Shoudy, Ashley
Teacher, K-6
Fourth Grade
Sterling, Jessica
Teacher, K-6
Second Grade
Tkach, Emma
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Trotman, Ashley
Teacher, K-6
Third Grade
Wallwork, Eve
Teacher, Master
Walsh, Bridget
Teacher, Kindergarten Only
Waterstreet, Jennifer
Teacher, Exceptional Children
First Grade
Wilt, Laura
Teacher, K-6
Fourth Grade
Support Staff
Barbour, Zania
Coordinator, Site ASEP
Bray, Sarah
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Bridenstine, Katherine
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Brunnick, Vicki
Counselor, Elementary
Dees, Mary
Media Coordinator
Hardage, Margaret
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Hocutt, Blake
Associate, Technology, 11 mont
Kenny, Elsie
Coordinator, ASEP Site Trainee
King, Toby
Psychologist, School
Lee, Shari
Assistant, Lunch Room
Lunan, Deena
Data Manager I
M Mees, Lori
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
McWhirter, Sherri
Treasurer I
Moody, Felicia
Speech/Language Pathologist
Moretz, Fallon
Counselor, Elementary
Ott, Jessica
Counselor, Elementary
School Counselor
Sturgis, Katherine
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Thomas, Vanessa
Associate, ASEP
Torti, Karen
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Wheatley, Lauren
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Wilson, Kehler
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Zimmerman, Gail
Assistant, Lunch Room
Cafeteria Staff
Brooks, Patricia
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Logan, Rashawna
Assistant Manager, Cafeteria 6
Lopez, Alba
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Najera, Lesbia
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Custodial Staff
Bonilla, Patricia
Cummings, Wanda
Potts, Tyrone
Custodian, Head I
Other Staff
Mabry-Crawford, Teresa
Psychologist, School
Pringle, Christopher
Teacher, Elementary General Mu

P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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