Elementary Summer Packets
activities to prepare students for the upcoming school year. For example, kindergarten students will
engage in activities aligned to first grade concepts or skills. These are optional resources for CMS families.
Student Engagement Survey: Opens May 3
This year we will
continue the practice of asking students in grades 5-13 to take part in this
survey opportunity. The survey asks for feedback on school climate,
safety, behavior, harassment, and bullying. Attached are the survey
questions for your reference. Families may review the questions by
visiting the CMS website at https://www.cms.k12.nc.us/News/Pages/2021-Student-Engagement-Survey-Preview.aspx Students can access
the survey here: https://bit.ly/CMSengagement,
or by clicking the survey link on our district website once the window opens
Daily CMS Health Screener
Don't forget to fill out the Symptoms Screener each day before your child arrives to school.
Immunizations & Health Screenings
Health Assessments are required for kindergartners and all students who are new to the N.C. Public School system regardless of grade by October 30, 2020.
Resources for Immunizations & Health Assessments (Physicals):
Resources for Immunizations and Physicals Oct 18.pdf
Recursos Para Vacunaciones y examenes de salud (fisicos):
Resources for Immunizations and Physicals Spanish 2 Oct 18 (002).pdf
Link to MCHD (Mecklenburg County Health Department) specifically for immunizations: https://www.mecknc.gov/HealthDepartment/ClinicServices/Pages/Immunizations.aspx
Upcoming Open House for Prospective Families

School Announcements

Congratulations to our 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Laura Milavec (left), who teaches 3rd grade literacy!
Congratulations to our 2019-2020 Rookie Teacher of the Year, Ms. Meghan Joyce (right), who teaches Kindergarten!