From the Desk of the Nurse
To avoid catching the flu, get vaccinated each year and practice good hand hygiene. To avoid giving the flu to others, stay home when you are sick, cough or sneeze into tissues and discard them properly and wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Flu symptoms may include:
- a 100 degree or higher fever or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu has a fever)
- a cough and/or sore throat
- a runny or stuffy nose
- headaches and/or body aches
- chills
- fatigue
- nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea (most common in children)
Additional recommendations to avoid illness include:
- Encourage everyone to employ good hand washing before eating and throughout the day
- Avoid sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands
- Disinfect frequently touched arears
- Students and staff should remain at home if they are not feeling well, have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea
For additional questions, please contact Nurse Green at 980-343-6011
A new state law passed, S.L. 2015-222, revising the health assessment requirements (G.S. 130A-440 Article 118). This new law requires each child entering the NC public schools for the first time to submit proof of a health assessment to the school principal within 30 calendar days of the child's first day of attendance. This law applies to any students enrolling in NC public schools for the first time beginning with the 2016-17 school year. The health assessment results must be submitted on a statewide standardized health assessment transmittal form.
If the health assessment is not presented on or before the child's first day of attendance, the principal will issue a deficiency notice indicating that the form must be submitted within the specified timeframe or the child will not be permitted to attend school.
Health Assessment Form 2016.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Immunization Requirements.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Medication Authorization For CMS Students
If your child needs medication of any kind during the school day, including over-the-counter drugs such as Tylenol or cough medicine, a “CMS Medication Authorization Form” must be completed and signed by parent and doctor for both prescription and over-the-counter meds. (A new form is required at the beginning of every school year). If there is no Medication Authorization Form, a parent may come to the school to administer the medication but the med may not be kept at the school until the proper paperwork is obtained.
The CMS/School Health Medication Policy states that:
Prescription medications must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled bottle which contains instructions on how and when to take the medication.
Over-the-counter drugs must be received in the original container and will be administered according to the doctors written instructions.
School staff will not administer any medication to students unless these requirements are met and there will be no exceptions to this policy.
Authorization For Self-Medication By CMS Students
Only students who meet the following descriptions may possess and self –administer medications:
(1) Students with special medical needs such as asthma and/or severe allergies or who are subject to anaphylactic reactions and may require emergency medications (i.e., asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector [“Epi-pen]); and (2) Students who require frequent administrations of non-prescription medications or prescription medications that are not controlled substances.
The prescribing doctor, parent, student, and the nurse have to sign Page 2 of the “Medication Authorization for CMS Students” in order for a student to keep medication with them and self-administer appropriately during school hours.
Medication Authorization Forms.pdf (Opens In New Window)
School Asthma Checklist.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Asthma Action Plan.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Severe Allergy
Severe Allergy--MD Order.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Severe Allergic Reaction Form.pdf (Opens In New Window)
CMS Diet Order Form.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Diabetes Checklist.pdf (Opens In New Window)
Diabetes Order and Care Plan.pdf (Opens In New Window)
For more information about Coordinated School Health (Opens In New Window) and to download other documents, please go to their website.
To reach Nurse Green, please call her at the school at 980-343-6011 or email her at alissa1.green@cms.k12.nc.us (Opens In New Window) .