We are located in the heart of the Highland Creek neighborhood, on the northeast corner of Mecklenburg County. Highland Creek is a neighborhood school and also serves students in surrounding neighborhoods.
This year, our focus is to ensure that all students are learning at high levels. This will be accomplished as teachers work collaboratively to discuss effective teaching strategies and appropriate assessments, and to utilize data to help identify which students need remediation or enrichment. Teachers are using differentiated instruction, a flexible teaching approach that adapts the curriculum and teaching strategies to individual learning needs. To ensure that our students are receiving rigorous and relevant instruction, we are continuing the use of several exciting technology resources including Study Island, Discovery Learning, Orchard, Reading Challenge 5000, and the use of SMART Boards, IPads and Document Cameras.
As a staff, we are committed to providing a safe, caring and inviting environment. We are implementing the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) model that is designed to teach and reward appropriate behavior. We have a strong character education program which builds character traits and helps children respect and value one another.
Highland Creek Elementary parents are involved in their children’s education. The school has outstanding support through parent volunteerism and a hard-working PTA. Our PTA provides monetary support for our programs, and special family events to build community. We are fortunate to have many businesses and organizations that support our school through donations. This year, we will continue a plan to involve even more community partners. In addition, we will be seeking and utilizing the talents and skills of community volunteers to provide additional support for our students.