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Highland Creek
Elementary School
7242 Highland Creek Parkway
Charlotte, NC 28269
Courier #: 411
P: 980-343-1065  |  F: 980-343-1066 
LC: Northeast
Bell Schedule: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: K-5
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Faculty & Staff Directory
Administrative Staff
Saxton, Ernie
Principal, Elementary
Anderson, Sean
Assistant Principal, Elementar
Williams, Dana
Dean of Students
Hester, Katie
Substitute, Secretary
Agness, Tania
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Barbee, Jill
Teacher, K-6
Bird, Jennifer
Teacher, K-6
Buff, Helen
Teacher, K-6
Bullis, Erin
Teacher, K-6
Burnett, Laura
Teacher, K-6
Campbell, Ann
Teacher, Elementary Physical E
Clarke, Tiffany
Teacher, K-6
Conyers, Samantha
Teacher, K-6
Cowper, Jennifer
Teacher, K-6
Davis, Amanda
Teacher, K-6
Essler, Sara
Teacher, K-6
Fenton, Catherine
Teacher, AIG
Support Staff
Fox, Beth
Teacher, K-6
Gloyd, Taylor
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Goldstein, Amelia
Teacher, K-6
Jackson, Andrea M
Guest Teacher, EC Non-Certifie
Jackson, Emily
Teacher, K-6
Knight, Christi
Teacher, K-6
Latino, Samantha
Teacher, Elementary General Mu
Linker, Heather
Teacher, K-6
Lipscomb, Kimberly
Teacher, K-6
Lorick, Modesty
Teacher, Exceptional Children
Maranchello, Gustavo
Teacher, Elementary Art
McElhinny, Michelle
Teacher, K-6
McNinch, Ashelynn
Teacher, K-6
Pollard, Dashiel June
Teacher, K-6
Potter, Steven
Teacher, K-6
Ramadan, Antonia
Teacher, Master
Stinson, Latasha
Teacher, Master
Wright, Sade
Teacher, K-6
Yarbrough, Maura
Teacher, K-6
Support Staff
Anderson, Kristin
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Bell, Jessica
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Benson, Rachael
Associate, Technology, 11 mont
Black, Maria
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
Cupid, Jayla
School Counselor, Licensure Ex
Eckerson, Cody
Psychologist, School
Franklin, Debora
Coordinator, Site ASEP
Hardy, Angel
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
Kata, Stacey
Counselor, Elementary
Martino, Krystle
Assistant, ESL Teacher
Mathis, Danielle
Associate, ASEP
Mcphee, Barbara
Associate, ASEP
Miranda, Lynette
Data Manager I
Oquinn-Sanders, Hailey
Technician, Behavior Support
Osborne, Alisa
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Roberson, Robin
Assistant, Exceptional Childre
Sorvillo, Rosemarie
Assistant, Lunch Room
Sturdivant, Jaylen
Assistant, Teacher K-3
Taylor, Antoinette
Assistant, Lunch Room
Wheaton, Deborah
Treasurer I
Wicher, Julie
Speech/Language Pathologist
Cafeteria Staff
Ayers, Cindy
Manager, Cafeteria I
Dalton, Betty
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Joyner, Essie
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Reyes-De Calderon, Blanca
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Weadon, Angela
Cafeteria Worker, Part Time
Custodial Staff
Acosta Bonilla, Eva
Bonilla, Beronica
Holsey, Brent
Portillo, Mercedes
Custodian, Head I
P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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