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2520 Huntingtowne Farms Lane
Charlotte, NC 28210
Courier #: 422
P: 980-343-3625  |  F: 980-343-3731 
LC: Southwest
Bell Schedule: 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM
Grades: PreK-5
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School Uniform Policy
School Uniforms




Uniforms are required for all scholars enrolled at Huntingtowne Farms Elementary.
School uniforms help us create the safest possible environment for our scholars.
All scholars are required to wear the school uniform every day,
unless otherwise communicated via Connect ED or email.


Uniform Requirements

 2022-2023 HFES Uniform Policy.pdf

Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Jumpers and/or Skorts

Bottoms must be solid in color.
(No Sweatpants)
Shorts, dresses and skirts should fall slightly above the knee line.
Pants must be worn at the waist line.
Leggings are permitted under a dress or skirt.

*Scholars are not permitted to wear denim Monday-Thursday.*
Scholars are permitted to wear denim on Friday for $1. (See Details Below)
Shirts (Long and Short Sleeve) and/or Turtlenecks
All tops must be solid in color.
All tops must have a collar (polo) and/or must be a dress (button down) shirt.
(No T-shirts)
Shirts/blouses must be tucked into pants at all times.
*HFES School Spirit Shirts can be worn as part of scholar's daily uniform.*
Sweaters, Jackets, and/or Outerwear
Scholars can wear outerwear of their choice.
Outerwear must not have inappropriate graphics, patterns, or writing.
Outerwear may not be worn after entrance of the school building
or during the school day.
Students are permitted to wear sweaters or cardigans.
Must be solid in color.

Please note:

Scholars will not be permitted to wear hats, caps, hoods,

scarves after entrance of the school building.

*Head coverings will only be permitted as they pertain to religious attire.


 Scholars can wear tennis shoes or any type of casual or dress shoes.
Scholars are encouraged to wear tennis shoes on their
 scheduled day of Physical Education.

Scholars will be expected to wear shoes that have a closed toe.
Open-toe and open-heel shoes such as sandals and flip-flops 
are not permitted for safety reasons.

Scholars will be expected to wear a dark colored belt with their uniforms.
(Belts are not required for K-1 students)

Small articles of jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches)
are permitted as long as they do not cause a distraction 
within the learning environment.

*Please be advised that the school cannot be responsible 
for lost, stolen or misplaced articles of jewelry.

Scholars should wear navy, black or white socks/tights with their uniforms.

 Dress Down Friday_English.PNG

Dress Down Fridays_Spanish.PNG

Visit the PTA website for more information and to buy your passes
Visit the HFES Spirit Store for your uniform-approved Spirit Wear! 


It is the expectation of the Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School
family that all scholars will adhere to our school wide uniform policy. 
It is further understood that parents will have been made
fully aware of the expectations for school uniforms
when enrolling their children in our school.

Parents are ultimately responsible for ensuring that their child
has appropriate school attire in alignment with the
Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School Uniform Policy.

Our first priorities each and every day are to make sure
that our scholars are safe and to ensure that they receive
an excellent education without distractions or obstacles. 

To that end, our goal is to have 100% participation 
of all scholars with the school uniform policy.
 However, if and when scholars do not follow the school uniform policy,
the following actions will be taken to support our scholars
and families in joining our unified vision of excellence:

First Offense
Violation Letter
 sent to parent(s)

To notify parent(s) of uniform

Second Offense
Parent Phone Call 

Parent(s) will be asked 
to bring a uniform

Third Offense
Parent Conference 
with Administation

Parent(s) will be asked to attend a
Parent Conference to discuss uniform non-compliance

Repeat Offenses
Parent Phone Call

Parent will be contacted and/or disciplinary consequence 
will be given

*Explicit insubordination (outside of hardship) will receive
appropriate disciplinary consequences 
assigned by intervening administrator.

Hardship situations will be supported through 
our school counselor and administrator.

*Our Student Services Team will support our school uniform policy
by advocating to community partners for donations and support
in order that we might maintain a uniform closet in the case of emergencies.
Our Student Services Team will help to educate parents
about our school wide uniform policy to support our
comprehensive school vision and provide them with
community resources for buying/securing uniforms. 


P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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