J. H. Gunn Elementary is a Title 1 school. Title 1 is the largest federal education-funding program. It provides additional funding for high poverty schools to help students who are already behind academically or are at risk of falling behind. Title 1 funding provides us with additional resources for professional development, instructional supplies, support programs, and parental involvement. These resources assist us in providing equitable educational experiences for our students.
Click on the following links below to examine documents providing other important information about Title 1 at J.H. Gunn.
School Improvement Plan
SIP - Comprehensive Report 3.16.20.pdf
Annual Title I Meeting Information
Annual Title I Slides 21-22
Parent Involvement Policy
CMS Parent Engagement Policy.pdf
Spanish - CMS Parent and Family Engagement Policy.pdf
CMS School Learning Compact.docx
Parents Right To Know Letter
21-22 Parents Right to know letter English and Spanish
Title I_Parent Info_Brochure_Spanish.pdf
2021-2022 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
ESSA Flexibility - Parent Friendly document 10-4-18.pdf
Targeted Support Letters
J.H. Gunn_ENGLISH Parent_letter TSI-AT 21-22
J.H. Gunn_SPANISH Parent_letter TSI-AT 21-22