J. M. Alexander Middle School need your support! Please join the PTSA! Joining the PTSA benefits your child and the school. Here are just a few benefits listed below:
JMA Benefit #1- Connection, Speaking Up, and Networking: You will be constantly informed of the school's goals and initiatives. You can to share ideas, concerns and experiences with other parents and educators in the community.
JMA Benefit #2- Discover Resources: The PTSA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
JMA Benefit #3- Personal Growth and Development: You have an opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use for a good cause—your child and all children in the school and community.
JMA Benefit $4- School Improvement: By getting involved at your child's school you'll be part of the solution, and help the school to achieve all goals. You will have input on fundraising, building improvements, curriculum-based programs and social events.
A PTSA membership is an investment in our child's future. Your membership fee not only supports our local programs and helps us reach out to our community. The membership fee is $7.50 for one, or $14 for a family membership (two people).
1. Please contact zonja.glover@cms.k12.nc.us if you would like to join the JMA PTSA. Or, complete link to join: https://forms.gle/55Hwavc7E9eXiyZZA
2. To pay your membership: https://jma.new.memberhub.store/store
In order to accomplish our mission, PTSA needs you!
For more information about our Membership Drive, read here: membership drive letter.docx