Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are excited for another great year at Lake Wylie Elementary School. We are continuing to work to instill positive behaviors and character traits each and everyday. We want all of our students to be leaders in the school and develop a respect for others, themselves, and learning. We will continue with our discipline plan to improve upon communication with parents and to add more incentives for positive behavior within the classroom.
Kindergarten through second grade classrooms will continue to utilize the ladder system to monitor behavior in the classroom. In addition, the entire school will be utilizing ClassDojo in each classroom. ClassDojo is an online tool that allows teachers to reward positive behaviors and track progress towards specific goals. Parents are able to monitor their individual child’s behaviors and communicate further with teachers through this online application. Please feel free to learn more about ClassDojo through their website More communication regarding signing up for an account and connecting to your child’s classroom will be distributed through teachers’ newsletters.
In addition to using ClassDojo, we plan to utilize quarterly celebrations to encourage positive behaviors throughout the school day. Students that consistently earn recognition for embodying positive behaviors in the classroom will have an opportunity to partake in quarterly celebrations that will include guest speakers, movies, and extra recess. If you are interested in volunteering at any of these events that will take place at the end of each quarter, please feel free to contact me.
We will continue Pirate Bucks this year. Students caught doing the right thing throughout the school will have an opportunity to receive PirateBucks. These tickets will be able to be exchanged for dedicated items at our school store. Items will include pencils, Lake Wylie cups and other fun incentives. Any adult in the building will have the opportunity to give Pirate Bucks to students that they see doing the right thing.
Recently, we started a positive referral for students who ride buses or daycare vans. This is a chance to be recognized on the morning announcements and sping the Wheel of Wow. There are several different prizes on the wheel for the students to enjoy. Students are also able to purchse a spin on the Wheel of Wow through the Pirate Buck store.
Our school counselors are continuing to provide guidance lessons and offer support to our students. In these lessons, we are continuing to reinforce the behaviors described above. In addition to these guidance lessons, our counselors are pulling small groups of students to work on specific skills.
We will continue to utilize a progressive discipline plan that relies upon appropriate consequences based on the behavior. We will maintain a focus on the CMS Code of Conduct to ensure positive behaviors in line with the district’s vision for student success.
Thank you for all of your support of Lake Wylie and our efforts to improve positive behaviors in our students. If you have any questions about our character development program place feel free to contact me at
Thank you,
Kira Michaw
Assistant Principal
Lake Wylie Elementary School
Code of Conduct.pdf to view the CMS Code of Conduct (Opens in new window)


Leader In Me: 7 Habits
Habit 1
Be proactive
I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.
Habit 2
Begin with the end in mind
I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school's mission and vision, and look for ways to be a good citizen.
Habit 3
Put first things first
I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.
Habit 4
Think win-win
I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others' Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.
Habit 5
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
I listen to other people's ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.
Habit 6
I value other people's strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people's ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than any one of us alone. I am humble.
Habit 7
Sharpen the saw
I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep. I spend time with my family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I take time to find meaningful ways to help others.