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McKee Road Elementary School, established in 1989, is located in the southern corner of Mecklenburg County, near I-485 and Providence Road. The facility is built for 630 students. Our current enrollment is 543 students. Of these students, 46.9% are white, 9.8% are African American, 9.1% Hispanic, 30.6% Asian, 3.2% Multiracial and .4% American Indian.
McKee has a total of 65 staff members. Ninety-three percent of the staff hold advanced degrees and 9 are National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT). In addition, 79.4 % of staff have more than five years of teaching experience with 58.2% of staff have ten years or more experience teaching. A strong mentor program is in place to assist new teachers and buddies are assigned to those with experiences but new to the district. McKee continues its strong tradition of excellence. The school was named a 2005 No Child Left Behind National Blue Ribbon School. In 2006 McKee was named a National School of Character. Service earning will continue to be a focus in our school. Many opportunities are provided for extra-curricular activities such as Service Club, Student Yearbook, Math Olympiad, Girls on the Run, Boys Let Me Run, Chorus, and Chess Club.
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