​Merancas is pleased to provide students and parents with Family Connection from Naviance, a Web-based service designed to assist in the college and career search process. Family Connection is a comprehensive website that you can use to help in making decisions about courses, colleges, and careers. Family Connection is linked with Counselor’s Office, a service that we use in our office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that is specific to our school.
Family Connection will allow you to:- Get involved in the planning and advising process- Build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers
- Research colleges- Compare GPAs, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past
- Sign up for college visits- Find out which colleges are visiting our school and sign up to attend those sessions
Family Connection also lets us share information with you about upcoming meetings and events, local scholarship opportunities, and other Web resources for college and career information.To get started:- All students were emailed with a setup code and instruction sheet.
- Once account is created, please visit https://connection.naviance.com/mmchs
- For the Username: student email
- For your Password: student ID number
We hope that you will find this resource helpful. If you have further questions about Family Connection, please contact Anita Durr.*Please note that GPAs are based on final grades earned at the end of last semester. Information will be updated in February as we complete another semester.Click here for more information on navigating Naviance.
Naviance for Parents : How to Set up a Parent Account
- Log into the student's account.
- Select the ABOUT ME tab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select PROFILE.
- Complete the parent profile and select ADD PARENT.
- Email your student's name and YOUR email address to Ms. Durr. Ms. Durr will email back your credentials and instructions for logging in.
Linking Accounts for Multiple Children
Naviance allows you to link multiple students with one parent record. Once the records are linked, the parent can sign in to a single Family Connection account and select any of his or her children to view. To link a student(s) to a parent record:- Click Students.
- Find the student containing the original registration for the parent's account under Parent Information, click the parent's name to open the parent's profile.
- Click the Add button next to Students in the parent's profile.
- Locate and click the name of the additional student(s) to link to the parent record.
The student will be linked to this parent's login information and the parent will be able to select all of their students from a drop-down menu once logged into Family Connection. When the linking is done correctly, the end result is that a parent can access multiple student profiles from their single account. Click here for more information on how to use Naviance.