Virtual Open Hosue for Pre-K
Click link for:
Open House Presentation Template
Click link for:
Open House Presentation Template (Spanish)
MOIA Canvas Parent University
Parent Canvas Information.pdf
In preparation for the 2020-2021 school year, we are excited to host parent universities
where you will learn:
-Why are we using Canvas
-How to login
-How to navigate our Canvas Platform
PowerSchool Parent Portal CLICK HERE
Parents will be able to remain involved with their student's progress through the PowerSchool Module called Parent Portal. This module for parents will allow for easy access of grades and attendance as well as the school bulletin and other items.
Every Student Succeeds Act Information
ESSA Flexibility - Parent Friendly document 10-4-18.pdf
This guide aims to help parents like you understand the flexibility provided to States and school districts in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, a landmark Federal education law.
CMS Volunteer Site CLICK HERE
Excited about volunteering at Merry Oaks? You have the option of volunteering in grades from Pre-K to 5th grade. You can be a lunch buddy, or assist teachers as they instruct students. Click on this site to get started. We would love to have you join us and our students would love having you too.