Metro School Procedures and Policies
The procedures and policies below address volunteering in the classrooms and other campus areas at Metro School. It does not replace the district policy that covers CAP Case Managers or other agency visitors who want to observe their student clients in our classrooms. That policy still stands, as it is a district policy with which Metro is required to comply. That protocol also states that agency visitors must call ahead to schedule their visits/observations and have an administrator with them at all times. Please contact the front office to schedule a visit. All volunteers will follow CMS and Metro School procedures to volunteer.
CMS Volunteer Policy (IJOCA)
In order to become an approved CMS volunteer you must fill out a registration form at This process is a requirement of all parents/guardians and stakeholders.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools will recruit volunteers who contribute to the intellectual, physical and/or emotional development of students and to the well-being of the schools.
Screening of Volunteers
Before a volunteer is assigned to a task in a school, he or she will be screened.
A. Purpose of Screening
I. The objective of screening is to ensure, as is reasonably possible, that students are safe in school environments. Screening of volunteers is crucial because of the vulnerability of the school-aged population served, some of whom are students with disabilities.
II. Screening will be used to identify volunteers who may pose an unacceptable risk to students or to the school system. The screening process is a means to assess the potential of an individual volunteer to contribute physical and/or emotional harm to others, steal or damage property, and/or violate CMS confidentiality procedures.
III. Screening helps to:
1. Identify individuals who, if placed in certain unsupervised situations, may create an
unacceptable level of risk;
2. Prevent the inappropriate placement of individuals;
3. Exclude dangerous individuals; and
4. Exclude individuals who may be considered inappropriate for a specific task.
B. Methods of Screening
The Board of Education expects individual schools to use responsible, reasonable methods to screen volunteers. The level of screening is dependent upon the task assigned to a volunteer, the degree of supervision of the volunteer by a supervisor and the nature of the volunteer's contact with students. The level of scrutiny in screening will increase as a volunteer's contact with a student increases and the degree of staff supervision decreases.
Screening methods may include:
I. Completion of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Volunteer Profile Form
II. Interviews by appropriate CMS staff
III. Reference Checks
IV. Record Checks (criminal history, driving record, and credit bureau for bookkeeping, fundraising or financial positions)
V. Orientations
VI. Attendance at district and/or other trainings
C. Task Assignment Descriptions
Task Assignment descriptions will be written before a volunteer is placed in a school in order to provide a framework to match a volunteer to tasks for which he or she is qualified.
D. Non-Discrimination
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, marital status or disability in its recruitment, screening and placement of volunteers.
The Superintendent shall develop regulations to implement this policy.
Metro School Volunteer Procedures and Protocol
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in their child’s classroom or throughout Metro School. The classroom Professional Learning Community (PLC), which includes the teacher and teacher assistants, will determine the volunteering time, duties, and duration in the classroom. Keep in mind that in some classes, another adult in the class may be a distraction to some students.
Procedures and Protocol:
a.) Complete the application to become a registered CMS volunteer at
b.) Contact our volunteer coordinator, La’Rhonda Hill ( and the classroom teacher to submit your volunteer interest.
c.) If the area you requested is not available, you will be able to fill out the Volunteer Form on the day that you arrive and office staff will confer with the lead person in the area you requested. You will be placed in the area with the greatest need.
d.) You may be asked to volunteer in the front office, cafeteria, pool area, media center, etc.
e.) For the safety of our students, volunteers will not be allowed to feed or change students.
f.) Minors must be accompanied at all times by volunteers for the safety of our students.
The procedures and protocols below outline the expectations for visitors at our school. These were developed through the combined efforts of the Faculty Advisory Council, faculty members, CMS Campus Security Associate, the School Leadership Team, and the administrators of Metro School. The cooperation of all is critical to the safety and well-being of the students, and to the integrity of the instructional day. Visitors who knowingly violate this protocol will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
CMS School Visitors Policy (KI)
Many visitors may be expected on the campus of a public school during the school day. Since the principal is responsible for the normal operation of the school, visitors are asked to report first to the school office. These visitors may include parents of pupils, interested citizens, invited speakers, Board members, central staff personnel, maintenance and repair people, salespeople, representatives of the news media, students not now enrolled in school and others.
Visitors at Metro School
All visitors are asked to enter the school through the front lobby doors, proceed to the office on the left, and sign into Lobby Guard. You will be asked for identification. A visitor’s badge or label is to be worn while on campus.
Parents/care providers may access the classrooms and escort their child to the classroom between the hours of 7:30 to 8:00 am. Please keep the visit to no more than 5-10 minutes. Parents and care providers are asked to recognize that each teacher will let you know, on a case by case basis, if the morning visitation is disruptive to the routine. We ask that the teacher’s decision be respected. The presence of an administrator will not be required, unless there are extenuating circumstances and the teacher requests additional support to address difficult situations. All visitors are asked to leave campus by 8:00 am to preserve the integrity of the instructional day. Students arriving after 8:00 am will be escorted to their class by a staff member or administrator.
If parents/care providers have business other than student delivery to class between 7:30 and 8:00 am, you will need to ask to see an administrator. Sign in on Lobby Guard in the front office, obtain a visitor’s badge and wait to be escorted to other parts of the building.
If parents/care providers wish to participate in special events in their child’s classroom between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:30 pm, the parent/care provider is asked to schedule this directly with the teacher and the administrative team. Parents/care providers are asked to respect the decision of the Metro staff on the frequency, duration and type of visits that the teacher will approve, based on the teacher’s knowledge of the needs of the students in his/her classroom. The classroom staff will fill out the Volunteer Form, located in the front office.
If you wish to observe in a classroom, someone from the administrative team is required to accompany you to the class and stay for the duration of the observation. Please schedule these with the administrative team.
Parents/care providers are encouraged to visit school during their child’s scheduled lunch time and have lunch with their child. Parents/ care providers are required to sign in on Lobby Guard before having lunch with their child.
Dismissal Procedures
Anyone picking up a student must be listed as a pick-up person by the parent/guardian on the blue information card, and must bring a valid picture ID. To minimize disruptions at the end of the school day, the school staff will not call for students to be brought to the office after 2:30pm. If you are changing dismissal plans for any reason, you must do so in writing and inform the office staff. Students need a signed note authorizing them to be a car-rider if their normal mode of transportation is the bus.
Early dismissal ends at 2:30 pm. Beginning at 2:30 pm, we will not allow students to be signed out or picked up until the 3:00pm bell rings. The busy and hectic nature of the end of the day is further complicated by the number of families/care providers coming before the school day ends. If the child has a doctor’s appointment or needs to leave campus prior to 3:00pm, the family/care provider is asked to notify the school that they are coming, so that the student can be ready. The student must be picked up by 2:30pm. The student will be brought to the office to be picked up. No students will be dismissed early through any door except the front doors to assure the child has been properly signed out.
If the parent/care provider is picking up after 2:30pm, the parent/care provider is asked to remain in their vehicle at the back of the school. At 3:00pm, students will be brought out and we are asking parents/guardians to follow the afternoon dismissal procedures listed below.
Procedures for Afternoon Dismissal – Back Door (Car riders, Vendor services)
Parents will notify the school’s front office of any changes to student transportation. This is required, even if you have already notified the classroom staff.
Front office personnel will be responsible for notifying the appropriate staff when a change occurs in a student’s transportation. This notification shall be made by email or other forms of communication such as calling the classroom. Appropriate staff will consist of the student’s teacher and the teacher assistants. In addition, the Principal, both Assistant Principals, and the staff who work dismissal at the back doors will be included in this notification.
Staff members will not release a student to any person, unless that person is authorized to pick the student up, which is documented on the student blue information card. Staff shall contact front office personnel when there is a question as to whether a particular individual is authorized to receive that student. A valid photo ID will be requested of any person not known to the school staff. This is for your child’s safety.
Afternoon dismissals will occur at the set of back doors off of MLK Jr., Blvd. Parents, care providers and vendors should enter the backlot from MLK Jr. Blvd. and proceed to the parking lot on the right, directly behind the school. Please either pull into a numbered space, or to the left along the fence. Proceed all the way down, as far as possible, so that we can expedite an efficient dismissal. Parents/care providers with valid handicapped stickers/tags can use the designated spaces closest to the entry doors in the back.
School staff will be in the parking lot, ready to assist you, and will ask your student’s name. Then, staff members will escort/transport students from the classroom to the back doors and parking lot for dismissal. Staff will not leave that student until he or she is received by another staff member or by the designated driver for that student. SUBSTITUTES WILL NOT CONDUCT THESE ESCORTS.
Metro School Student Social Events and Wellness Protocols
The Student Social Events (Policy JJB) and Wellness (Policy JL) protocol at Metro School will align with CMS guidelines. Celebrations at Metro School will be student-centered and will not disrupt instruction time or conflict with the CMS Wellness Policy (Policy JL).
CMS Student Social Events Policy (JJB)
Parties are discouraged during the school day in middle and senior high schools except where they are used to supplement the curriculum. A limited number of parties may be held in the elementary schools at the discretion of the principal. School organizations are permitted to hold parties or dances after school hours. It is the responsibility of the principal to see that all parties and dances are properly supervised.
CMS Wellness Policy (JL)
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools is committed to providing school environments that promote a positive culture of health and wellness and protect the health and well-being of students and staff, and to practices that reduce childhood obesity and enhance students’ ability to learn by supporting healthy eating, physical activity, a tobacco and drug-free culture and the development of lifelong physical and mental wellness practices.
In order to achieve these goals, CMS will:
Establish and maintain a School Health Advisory Council to help plan, implement, and monitor compliance with Policy JL, “Student Wellness,” and other policies and regulations related to health and wellness.
Establish and support School Health Teams in each school.
Promote staff wellness.
Establish nutritional standards for foods sold and marketed on school campuses that meet or exceed nutritional standards set by the US Department of Agriculture, CMS Board policy, North Carolina Board of Education policy, and North Carolina law.
Increase students’ opportunities for physical education and physical activity.
Promote a tobacco, alcohol and drug-free culture.
Provide health education.