COVID 19 Testing Opt-In Say Something

7905 Pleasant Grove Road
Charlotte, NC 28216
Courier #: 462
P: 980-343-6948  |  F: 980-343-6954 
Principal: Akimme Porter
LC: Northwest
Bell Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Grades: PreK-8
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For information about bus transportation, click here.

Please follow these procedures when having your child participate as a daily car rider. 

  • Complete a car rider information sheet.
  • You will be given a car rider number to display in your windshield.
  • All car riders are to use the front main entrance of the building.  Cars should never be in the same area as buses.
  • Dismissal is at 3:45.  Please be prompt.
  • Please follow all traffic rules and patterns on Old Plank Road and Pleasant Grove Road.  There is no left turn from Pleasant Grove.  You need to approach the school from Old Plank Rd, but do not block the bus lot entrance.  CMS Law Enforcement can issue written citations if you make this left turn during posted hours.
  • Please keep your speed under 10 mph.
  • If you are going into the school to deliver or retrieve your child, please do not park in the car rider line. 
  • Please do not leave your car running while waiting in the car rider line. The exhaust fumes are harmful to people around you.
  • Car riders should never be dropped off at school before 8:15 am. There is no one to supervise them.


P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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