Student Activities
The Green Team - The recycling club meets on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:20-8:45. We take care of all recycling needs for Mountain Island. The members are from Fifth Grade and were chosen by their teachers. For more information, contact Ms. Beard.
Safety Patrol - Students who are selected for Safety Patrol are on duty for two quarters during the school year. Safety patrols are in charge of monitoring the hallways to make sure students at Mountain Island are following the school rules. They are also in charge of helping in the cafeteria during breakfast. Each quarter, two students are chosen to be in charge of raising and lowering the United States flag and North Carolina flag. Mr. Nels is in charge of our safety patrol. For more information, contact Mr. Nels.
Mounty Leadership Team - Members of student council are elected by their peers in third, fourth and fifth grade homeroom classes. From those members we will hold an election for secretary (3rd), vice president (4th), and president (5th). The student council has monthly service projects, they help with the volunteer luncheon and fifth grade achievement celebration. One of our big projects is the Fall canned food drive. For more information, contact Mrs. Williams.
Robotics Teams - Robotics teams are comprised of 3rd-5th Graders. Robotics teams are chosen in the spring before the current year. Students work all year to research and develop robots to solve a problem then compete in regional and state competitions. For more information contact Mrs. Long.
Math Olympiad - The goal of the Math Olympiad program is to stimulate enthusiasm and a love for mathematics, introduce important mathematical concepts, teach major strategies for problem solving, develop mathematical flexibility in solving problems, foster mathematical creativity and ingenuity and provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges. Students will participate in class to explore strategies and solve problems. For More information contact Mrs. Puckett.