Nathaniel Alexander Elementary School is committed to your child's academic success and we want to partner with you! Our primary focus this year is to encourage you to become more involved in your child's instruction at school. We are challenging you to participate in the A Round of A "Paws" challenge.
What are the requirements?
- At least 5 visits to Nathaniel Alexander within the 2017-2018 school year to participate in instructional practice with your student.
- Volunteer and/or visit your child during the instructional school day.
How do you get involved?
- Volunteer!
Some ideas for volunteering are:
- Assist in the media center, cafeteria, or front office.
- Help teachers make materials and items for their lessons before school, after school, or during their planning time.
- Tutoring
- Speak to your child's class about your career or special expertise.
- Join or attend a PTA event.
How do you earn the reward?
- Check-in at Nathaniel Alexander's front office and ask for your child's paw print.
- After each visit, your child's paw print will be punched for your time at school.
There is a prize!
- Be entered into a raffle drawing for a chance to win gift cards and other great prizes throughout the year
- Become recognized on our A Round of A "Paws" bulletin board in the front office.