Newell Elementary follows CMS guidelines and procedures when investigating Title IX violations. Please click the links below to view a copy of the CMS Title IX Grievance Procedures.
English-CMS - Title IX Grievance Procedures.pdf
Spanish- SPA-CMS - Title IX Grievance Procedures.pdf
In compliance with OCR directives, CMS has developed age-appropriate lessons for all K-12 students on the following mandated topics:
• Sexual and gender-based harassment
• Consequences of sexual and gender-based harassment
• Steps to take if they or another is being harassed based on sex/gender
• Encouragement to report such harassment
• Safe strategies for bystander intervention
All students must receive instruction on the above topics, unless a parent/guardian completes an opt-out form, with documentation provided to OCR via retention of opt-out forms at the school level.
Parents may review lessons at