(link opens in a new window)
Ms. Melissa's Library Media Center website contains information on searching for books in Destiny Discover, helpful research websites, and more.
Ms. Melissa created this document with everything you need to read all summer.
PRM 2022 summer reading ideas.pdf (link opens in a new window)
Virtual Learning Guides and Videos
Ms. Melissa compiled a comprehensive list of guides, videos, step by step directions, and more. Topics covered are Canvas, Google, Read&Write for Google Chrome, NCEdCloud and Clever, Zoom, ONE Access and NCWiseOwl for research, Sora for eBooks, PRM library books, and even brain break ideas. This document is everything you need for Virtual Learning and should provide you with assistance with frequently asked questions and troubleshooting. http://bit.ly/PRMvirtualguides (link opens in a new window) Please be sure to bookmark or print this document for quick reference.
Steps for Researching Online using ONE Access and NCWiseOwl
Ms. Melissa also created a document about Researching Online using the databases in ONE Access and NCWiseOwl to find all kinds of information. http://bit.ly/PRMresearchonline (link opens in a new window) This document gives step by step instructions for searching in each database. Please encourage your children to use these safe and appropriate databases when researching rather than searching on Google or Wikipedia.
View this document for directions on how to access ebooks
PRM ebooks access.pdf (PDF opens in a new window)
Or visit this website link http://bit.ly/PRMebooks (link opens in a new window)