The Berry student services team is pleased to provide students and parents with Naviance ( for Naviagation and guidance), a Web-based service designed to assist in the college and career planning. Naviance is a comprehensive website that you can use for college & career research, planning and college applications. Naviance is also used by schools to send important information and opportunities out to students and parents via email. Parents who have their email address on file in their student's Naviance profile will receive all information and opportunities communicated to students.
For those parents who'd like their email address be added to Naviance or If parents would like their own access/Login to Naviance, please email our school registrar Ms. Oden
Include the below information in your message:
parent name(First and last)
Student name (First and Last) and
the parent email address that needs to be added on Naviance.
Parents & students guide to Naviance
For students to access Naviance:
Go to your NCEdcloud account
Click on “Clever”
Click on “Login with NCEdcloud”
Scroll down and click on Naviance
! You are ready to use Naviance Student now.
For questions, please reach your counselor.
Naviance career exploration activity-click here
Naviance resume activity-click here
Naviance college research and requesting school documents here