Scholarships can be an amazing way to make college affordable! There are many, many scholarships out there. When it comes to scholarships apply, apply, apply, and do not get discouraged. Every bit of money, no matter how little, helps. The documents below are updated often so be sure to check it frequently for updates.
- POB 2022 Running List of Scholarships by Due Date:
- Find various scholarships with the applications linked
- College Advisor Website:
- Ms. Zefri, our college advisor, also posts scholarship information on her website.
- Cardinal Cash 2022 (Scholarship Tracker):
- Are you a senior that has received scholarships already? Be sure to fill out this document for every scholarship you have been award. And congratulations!
- Cardinals Leaving the Nest 2022 (Acceptance Tracker):
- Are you a senior that has been accepted into college? Congratulations! Be sure to fill out this document out for every college you have been accepted into.