Please click here to access the newest TD information!
Every three years, each district in the state of North Carolina revises their comprehensive plan to serve
gifted students K-12. The plan must be approved by our Local Board of Education and then submitted to
the state. This year we are revising our 2019 CMS Gifted Plan to create the 2022 CMS Gifted Plan.
As part of our revision process, we are gathering feedback from stakeholders across CMS through surveys.
Please complete this survey. There is one link for parents and one for the Piedmont student.
Parent Survey
Secondary Student Survey
Check the CMS Gifted and Advanced Studies Department website for more information
TD News
The Piedmont Talent Development department publishes a newsletter 4 times a school year.
TD News Q1 1920.pdf
TD News Q2 1920.pdf
What is Talent Development?
The Talent Development Program for gifted services is based on consultation and collaboration between the talent development and classroom teachers. They work together to meet the needs of the high achieving student.
Program Benefits: Gifted education and general education are related, connected and integrated.
Out of class sessions are scheduled when needed most.
The pace of learning is enhanced.
High achieving students receive more challenging tasks within the classroom.
Classroom and TD teachers work together to maximize student learning.