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Elementary School
204 Lowry Street
Pineville, NC 28134
Courier #: 500
P: 980-343-3920  |  F: 980-343-3925 
Principal: Earl French
LC: Southwest
Bell Schedule: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grades: K-5
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Dear Pineville Elementary School families,

Our school has proudly served the students and families of Pineville for more than 100 years. We are the Smilers because of our friendly, open atmosphere, collaborative school environment and strong connection to our community.  We have a diverse school population which provides students with cultural connections and learning experiences.  Within our school, more than 30 different countries and 10 different languages are represented.

Pineville is distinctive in many ways. Among them:

  • Our teachers are experienced and highly qualified.  Many have advanced degrees and /or are National Board-certified.
  • Building character among our students and staff is important. We encourage mindfulness in all classrooms and work to instill character traits throughout the school building. 
  • We have strong community partnerships and extracurricular activities to provide students with meaningful experiences and relationships beyond the school setting.

Our mission is to partner with students, parents, staff and community members to ensure that each student has the opportunity to achieve full academic and social potential.  We will engage students at their individual level, acknowledging learning styles, interests and cultural influences. Our success will be measured by national, state and local assessments.  We will eliminate barriers that impede students from being successful.

During our daily class meetings, students explore different learning profiles and set individual goals. We recognize students and teachers with quarterly school-wide academic celebrations.  We partner with our local Kiwanis club to recognize Terrific Kids from every classroom. We recognize students' achievement through Math Olympiad and Mathapalooza.  After school, we offer students a variety of club options including chess, music, photography, basketball and Girls on the Run. 

Pineville Elementary has a strong record of academic achievement:

  • As measured on NC End-of-Grade testing, Pineville has exceeded growth for more than five consecutive years.
  •  We have an average three-year growth of 5.22.
  • In 2016-2017, Pineville Elementary achieved the highest growth among CMS elementary schools.
  • We received a B grade on the North Carolina School Report Card and we continue to improve our academic achievement each year.
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P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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