​Please Follow the Directions on this page pertaining to your scholar's absence.
Please send a note to our attendance secretary, Ms. Yvonne Sharpe or email cassie.sharpe@cms.k12.nc.us, to report your scholar's absence and the reason for the absence.
Regular attendance and punctuality are important from the beginning of the school year until the last day. Frequent absences and tardies interfere with you scholar's progress towards learning the necessary content and skills to be successful in their classes and graduate on time.
The following reasons are considered excuses for absences:
- Personal illness (please state type of illness)
- Medical appointments (must provide a doctor's note)
- Death in family
- Religious holidays
Parents should make all elective medical and dental appointments for times outside of school hours.
When a scholar is tardy (after 7:15 am), they are to report to the Front Office. Ms. Sharpe or Mrs. Westbrook will log their tardy and provide them with a pass to class.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school and ask to speak with our attendance secretary, Ms. Sharpe.