Page Content Greetings Families and Community Members,
Welcome to Performance Learning Center High School – Home of the Phoenix! Performance Learning High School is a distinctive place, grounded in the belief that education is the most powerful way to change the world; that scholars must be taught how to think and not what to think. We take pride in knowing each and every scholar personally. We instill in them the grit and determination needed to succeed in a global society. As a member of the Phoenix family, we cultivate high academic growth for every student, every day, and a strong partnership with our parents, guardians, caregivers and community partners. Finally, the hard work of our teachers and support staff ensure that the students we serve are reaching their fullest potential. We especially appreciate all that they do!
Communication and Involvement are important parts of ensuring your scholar's success in school! We are in the process of loading our website with key information for our school community. We use our website and social media to showcase all the great things happening at Performance Learning Center High School! I hope you will take time to review. Please remember that parents, guardians, and caregivers are ALWAYS encouraged to actively participate at Performance Learning Center High School. We know that an active parent translates into higher engagement and achievement for their child. Two immediate ways to get involved in our school is through our Parent Teacher Association or through our School Improvement Team. Our school's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is actively seeking members to serve our community in fundraising, recruitment, and public relations for our school! Performance Learning Center is a great school and our PTA ensures that everyone knows about it! Our School Improvement Team (SIT) works closely with our administrative staff and teachers to ensure we are meeting and/or exceeding our school goals for the year. Please see the website for more information about how you can get involved in these two organizations. e also encourage you to follow us on Facebook (@PerformanceLCHS), Twitter (@PLC_CMS) and Instagram (@PLC_CMS). We encourage you to become even more involved in the Phoenix Family!
My WhyEducating young people is my call to service. My life's work has been to ensure that our young people don't have to rely solely on luck and circumstances to be successful in school and in life. My core values of integrity, excellence, resilience, continual learning, and joy keep me grounded in the belief that all students deserve an excellent education. Additionally, these core beliefs drive me toward a vision in which all members of the school community can provide an opportunity for all students to be successful, regardless of their background or their limitations.
Harrison Conyers, Principal 
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