SIT meeting NEW DATE scheduled for Wednesday, September 14 at 5:30.
All families welcome!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 7720 0761
Passcode: 4r75Dm

Important Car Rider Updates
Review the new car rider map prior to the first day of school
NEW Reedy Creek Car Rider Path.pdf
Car Pool Rider 2022-2023.docx.pdf

Use the link below to download the CMS Bus app so you can track your child on their way home from school.
Bus Info.pdf
Mark your calendar- first PTO meeting of the 2022-2023
September 20th
Back to School Supply List
RCE School Supplies 22-23.pdf

Attendance Matters!!!
Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success- both in school and in life!