involvement in education is very important to ensure student success. The
following are a list of CMS approved sites that can be useful to support
classroom instruction.
Click Starfall: is a program service that focuses on reading and math with audiovisual interactivity such as animated songs, mathematics, and reading activities spanning pre-k to 2nd grade. Your child will have fun learning essential reading and math skills through exploration.
Click Prodigy: Prodigy has content from all major topics and will seamlessly cover Grades 1 - 8 to help ensure your students are ready for standardized testing.
Click the CMS Student Portal link through NCEdCloud access for the following learning sites.
Compass Learning Odyssey: provides digital curriculum for K-12 students
that can be used as primary or supplemental instruction.
Dreambox: DreamBox adapts to students’ actions to meet them at the right
level–with personalized instruction that promotes student decision making and
strategy development in math.
RAZ Kids: RAZ-Kids delivers hundreds of interactive leveled eBooks from level