Page Content The Dragon Houses were created in 2009 when Dilworth Elementary was reestablished as a neighborhood school. There are four dragon houses: Denim Blue Drakes, Hunter Green Hydras, Lemon-Lime Lindorms, and Orange Ouroboros. When new students and teachers come to Dilworth, they are inducted into a Dragon House by selecting a colored stone from a velvet bag. Each person's Dragon House is a surprise!
Within each Dragon House students are grouped into Dragon Families (formerly Dragon Buddies) from other grade levels: K,1,2 family groups at Sedgefield Campus and 3,4,5 family groups at Latta Campus. This family partnership gives each student in the school an opportunity to meet new friends, establish lasting relationships, and build character together. The Dragon House teachers are responsible for supporting and encouraging good Dragon Family practices and facilitating an understanding of the character education traits each month.
Dragon Dollars are given to students for exhibiting "On F.I.R.E." behavior and strong character. Each house collects the Dragon Dollars quarterly. The Dragon House earning the most Dragon Dollars is the keeper of the coveted Dragon House Trophy until the next quarter. At the end of the year, the trophy goes to the Dragon House that earns the most Dragon Dollars for the entire year!
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