Selwyn Elementary School
School Hours:
7:15-7:45 Student Arrival
7:45-2:45 Instructional Day
2:45 Dismissal
2:45-6:00 After School Enrichment Program
Students are not allowed into the building before 7:15a.m.
Parents may not drop off their children before 7:15 a.m.
Parents must pick up their car riders and walkers no later than 3:00 p.m.
This is a safety and supervision issue.
Regular attendance and punctuality are important from the beginning of the school year until the last day. Frequent absences, early dismissals and tardies interfere with your child's progress toward learning the necessary basic skills.
North Carolina law requires that all children enrolled in school must attend regularly. Parents are legally responsible for the school attendance of their children. Missing 10% of the year’s instruction may put a child “at risk” of not mastering grade level competencies.
Following any absence, a student is required to present written documentation from a parent, guardian or doctor including the date of the absence(s), reason for the absence(s), and the signature of the parent, guardian, or doctor. It is the parents’ or guardians’ responsibility to call after-school day care centers if their child is absent from school.
Have a question about attendance, email
Students are considered tardy if they are not in their classrooms by 7:45 a.m. Students who are dropped off in carpool after 7:45 am must have a parent come into the office sign them in for the day. All tardies are “unexcused” unless the student had a doctor/dentist appointment that morning or arrive on a late bus. Please provide a copy of the appointment to the secretary at the time of arrival to school.
Consistent tardiness will be referred to the school counselor and Administrative team.
There will be no early dismissals after 2:15 p.m. as this disrupts classroom instruction at the end of the day. Adults asking for a child must show a valid photo ID. Students are only dismissed through the front office. If you must pick your child up early for a medical appointment, please provide a copy of the visit to the office the next day. Please ask for early dismissal only when absolutely necessary.
Transportation Changes
Getting our students to the correct location after school is one of our most important responsibilities. Please make your best effort to limit transportation changes as they can create confusion. All transportation changes must be made in writing in the school office. No transportation change will be accepted via phone or email. Please do not email your teacher with transportation changes, as they have limited time during the day to check their email.
Attendance Flyer-English (PDF)
Attendance Flyer-Spanish (PDF)