SGE is part of the Central 1 Learning Community in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Our school serves grades pre-K-5. Shamrock Gardens is a Learning Immersion and Talent Development (LI/TD) Magnet as well as a thriving neighborhood school. Shamrock Gardens serves about 500 students.
Click on the link below to view our school brochure and learn more about SGE and our LI/TD Magnet Program!
Shamrock_2020_School Brochure_low-res.pdf
Shamrock Gardens Elementary School
MissionTalented Scholars + Dedicated Staff + Engaged Families = Our Dynamic & Diverse Community
Shamrock Gardens Elementary School Vision
Shamrock Gardens will provide a family-oriented, community-based intimate learning environment that promotes equity & diversity by focusing on the social, emotional, and academic needs personal to each child.
2020 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Distinction
2019 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Distinction
2018 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Excellence
2017 Magnet Schoosl of America Magnet School of Excellence
2016 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Distinction
2015 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Excellence
2014 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Distinction
2013 Magnet Schools of America Magnet School of Excellence