COVID 19 Testing Opt-In Say Something

8040 Strawberry Lane
Charlotte, NC 28277
Courier #: 537
P: 980-343-3670  |  F: 980-343-3725 
Principal: Lisa Bailes
LC: South
Bell Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Grades: 6-8
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PE Uniforms

For the 2022-23 school year there will not be a required PE uniform that needs to be purchased. Students will be required to follow the PE dress code that is outlined in the class syllabus and also listed below:

Clothes for PE: Students should wear clothes that are appropriate for movement in Physical Education Class and follow the school dress code. Examples of clothes that would be appropriate for class are:

*Athletic Shorts- (must stay up on the hips and follow dress code length) No jean or khaki shorts, and

                              no work-out skirts, etc.

*T-shirts- long or short sleeve- (Must be a CREW NECK- may NOT be v-neck, boat-neck, any

 low cut neck shirt or tank top)

*Sweatshirts- can be worn for outdoor units but will not be worn indoors for class

*Sweatpants- must stay up on the hips and not sag

*Yoga pants/leggings with a LONG t-shirt or shorts over them- a long t-shirt or shorts have to be

worn over the top of yoga pants/leggings

*Running shoes or sneakers ONLY- shoe strings MUST be tied as untied shoes are a safety and

performance issue- NO EXCEPTIONS (sandals, flip flops, boots, dress shoes, 

crocks, cleats, etc. are not allowed), no platform sneakers

*CLEAR small water bottle- Students will NOT be allowed to use aluminum or plastic water

bottles that are not see through so don’t spend a lot of money on a  water bottle. I

would even recommend that students write their name on a deer park water bottle

and just refill that bottle daily. Colored plastics are ok as long as the contents are

easily visible. It is important to us that students drink plain water to stay hydrated.

Flavored / sugary drinks and sodas, etc. are not allowed in water bottles as it is not 

the healthiest for students and we can easily find ourselves with a huge ant problem

 concerning sticky or sugary drinks. Thank you for your assistance on this.

*Spiral notebook (50-60 pages) or notebook paper and a pen/pencil- A one subject spiral notebook

 with pencil or pen attached (perhaps with stings to the metal spiral).  Your child w

P.O. Box 30035
Charlotte, NC 28230-0035
Phone: 980-343-3000
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