Report an absence
Please click on the link below to report your child's absence, preferably by 9 AM. Be sure to include your scholar's full name, grade, homeroom teacher, and contact information.
CLICK HERE/HACE CLIC AQUI (Opens in a new window)
Tardy Policy
Tardiness and early dismissals are handled by the front office. There will be a sign in/out sheet in the front office and the student will be given a pass to class. Parents/Guardians must come in with the student to be signed in/out.
Early Dismissals
*Scholars will not be released to any persons under the age of 18
Routine appointments should be scheduled before and after school hours. If a scholar must leave school during the day it is necessary for the parent/guardian to sign the child's name as well as their name in front office sign in/out sheet. If someone other than the parent/guardian will be signing in/out the scholar, written permission from parent/guardian must be given. Please provide a valid picture ID (Driver's License is preferred) in order to sign out your scholar. After 2 PM Scholars will not be dismissed, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Font Office.
Sometimes the Front Office is very busy! Give yourself lot's of time to get to the school, be allowed in, and helped by the staff. Then allow time for your scholar to gather their belongings and make their way to you!