2021-2022 Title I Annual Meeting
21-22 Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting.pdf
2021-2022 Target Support & Improvement-Additional Targeted Support Parent Letter
2021-2022 TSI Designation Letter.pdf
2021-2022 Title I Learning Compact
Compact 2021-2022.pdf
2021-2022 Parent Involvement Policy
NEW 2021-2022 STATESVILLE ROAD Parent Involvement Policy.pdf
2021-2022 Parent Right to Know Letter
SRES Right to Know Notification to Parents English and Spanish.pdf
2021-2022 Parent Engagement Policy
Revised CMS Parent Engagement Policy KBC Approved_website.pdf
Revised CMS Parenting Engagement Policy KBC--SPANISH_website.pdf
Communities in Schools:
The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community
of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. CIS focuses
on three main areas on of concern; Attendance, Academics and Behavior, by
addressing these areas we help to ensure the success of each student.
Communities In Schools (CIS) program of Statesville Road offers support services
through an involvement recognition and incentive experiences for K-5th grade
students. The services are delivered during the school day through
case-management model designed to help them succeed. If you believe your child
may need additional supports please come in to see Ms. Rivens , Site
Coordinator. In order for us to serve your child, we require a signed parent
consent form which gives us permission to work with your son/daughter at the
school during the day and connect him/her with resources.
Other Parent Resources
Locations for Physicals for Children in Mecklenburg (English).doc
Medication Authorization.doc
Locations for Physicals for Children in Mecklenburg(Spanish).doc