My name is Bilal Tawwab, principal of University Meadows Elementary School (UMES). As we approach the 2022-23 school year, I want to welcome you back in preparation for what is sure to be an exciting year at University Meadows Elementary School. We thank our returning families for choosing UMES once again. To our new families, we thank you for selecting University Meadows for this critical phase in your child’s educational career. At UMES the expectation is that the needs of every student are met every day.
University Meadows is a GREAT place for your child. The educators and support staff are intentional in understanding and responding to the needs of each student. But, you, the parents and guardians, are the true experts regarding your child. We hope that you accept our invitation to be engaged, and will commit to promoting learning in and out of school. As principal, I believe you are paramount to your child’s success at UMES and beyond.
You will receive a letter in the mail the week of August 16th that will include your child’s teacher and classroom.
A high priority for us this year is daily attendance. We need students in school EVERY DAY, ALL DAY, ON TIME. I ask that you support this effort. The first day of school for students in grades first through fifth grade will be Monday, August 29, 2022. School entry begins at 7:30 a.m., and teaching and learning begin at 8:00 a.m.; students are considered tardy at 8:01 a.m. If tardy, a parent/guardian must enter the school to sign the student in. Kindergarten students will participate in staggered entry (see schedule). Before the first day of school, I would like to personally invite you to meet our staff and tour your child’s classroom during Open House on Thursday, August 25th at the following times:
Pre-K-K - 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm
First and Second - 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
Third, Fourth and Fifth - 5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
Included with this letter is a bus sticker. Please note your child’s bus number, bus stop, and time for pick up and drop off. All students are required to board their assigned bus. Students should report to the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the pick-up time. If you have any questions concerning transportation, please call the CMS Transportation Center at 980-343-6715. If you have moved over the summer, please make sure your child is eligible for transportation services and that University Meadows is your home school. Car riders should not arrive at school before 7:30 because there will be no one available to provide supervision.
Our car line allows for one-way traffic on and off the school grounds. Students will be released from the main entrance to ensure safety. You must remain in your car as we will bring your child to your vehicle. Note: We will not dismiss students to parents who walk up to the entrance until after 3:10. Parents will be required to display the student’s name card on the windshield. If you do not have a card displayed, you will be asked to park your vehicle and report to the main office to sign your child out. If your child is picked up by various people in the afternoons, they must display the name card made by the school and be an emergency contact. If there is a change in the mode of transportation on a given day such notification must be given by 10:00 a.m. We ask that our parents and guardians remain patient during the first few days of school as new families become acclimated to the dismissal procedures.
Once again, the expectation is that students are in school all day, every day because every minute of instruction counts. The decision to pick up a student early should be few and far between. If a student must be released early a parent or guardian must come to the office and sign the student out of school. Students will not be released early after 2:00 p.m.
In addition, please note the following:
Our primary mode of communication is Parent Square. Please be sure to download the Parent Square app to your phone to receive updates as we approach the first day of school (August 29, 2022) and during the year.
All students will receive free breakfast and lunch starting the first day of school
We have posted all grade-level school supply lists in Parent Square (a copy is included in the mailer)
Students are not required to wear uniforms, yet students are not to wear the following in school:
Hood or Hats
Flip Flops and Crocs (present a safety hazard in the event there is an emergency evacuation)
Spaghetti Strap Shirts
Shirts that show midriffs
Shirts that display offensive/inappropriate language or graphics
Shorts and skirts must be longer than fingertip length (arms straight down at your side while standing up, shorts and skirts must be at/longer than fingertips)
No sagging (belts should be worn)
No outerwear is to be worn in class (i.e., heavy coats); we ask that you provide a sweater to be worn indoors if needed
Once again, thank you for choosing University Meadows Elementary School for this important stage in your child’s educational journey. I have always said that we only have one year to get it right for a child. What we, school and family, do (or fail to do) will have a lasting impact on the future of our children. For me, failure is not an option because what is at stake is much too great. I look forward to working with every one of you.
Best regards,
Bilal Tawwab, Principal